Article - Cricclubs FAQ
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Cricclubs FAQ

Admin 95 (admin95)

Thanks for using CricClubs for San Diego Cricket Association. Here are points which will help teams achieve those on their own. Please share this with your league teams.

Claim Profile - Player can claim his CricClubs profile by clicking on his name anywhere on ( website roster/scorecard/Player Search. After opening payer profile page, above player image there is option to claim profile. Please claim profile and do not register else it will be two profiles, which can be merged together but will unnecessarily will involve extra steps. 

Roster Update - ONLY captains can modify their team rosters. Modify means adding a registered player or removing any existing player. Captains need to login to website then Menu Teams -> View Teams. Click on your Team Name. This will give you Update Team option. On clicking that it will list available players and players in roster with arrows to move players to/out of roster.

Player Registration - If any player is currently not available on website, then he needs to register. To register visit and Register option is on top right corner. While register player has option to choose team for which he is playing for.


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Sangam Yadav:  I am waiting to join some team. please contact me on 8582259946.