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Khuddam Cricket League 2019

What is a Khuddam Cricket League?
The Khuddam Cricket League (KCL) has decided to introduce a structure where eight teams play in a league format with one big pool. Ideally one home match and one away - against each other. The teams will receive points on the basis of their performance. In the end, the top four teams will qualify for the play-off. The winner will be decided in a T20 Khuddam Cricket League Final.

When will the KCL 2019 start?
The league will start somewhere in March 2019 and will go till September 2019.

How many teams will play in the T20 Khuddam Cricket League?
A total of 8 teams will be part of the T20 Khuddam Cricket League 2019. Team A, Team B, Team C, Team D, Team E, Team F, Team G, Team H, will compete against each other and the winner of T20 Khuddam Cricket League Championship.

How many matches will be played in a series?
The teams will be asked to play at least 1 T20 match with one another. It can be extended to a maximum of 2 T20 Matches. The provision to keep a maximum of 2 T20 has been made keeping in mind a high-demand from players and audience.

Who will play in the league?
The KCL currently comprises eight teams: New Names of Teams will be announced shortly. The KCL - has managed to assemble a core of senior players who have experience of years playing.

Who appointed Team Captain?
Chairman KCL Mr. MS Saleem has handpicked the coaches based on their previous experience in the game of cricket.
Coaches then have chosen their assistant coaches from a list of players who are interested and willing to learn to coach and will take level 2 exam in near future from ECB registered training center. 
Both the coach and assistant coach has appointed the captain who they think will be a candidate for future captaincy. The condition for being a captain is he must have played for England A or B in the last 12 months, or active member of AMY CC and has contributed with them for at least 50% of the matches.
Which team will I play for?
From last year KCL 2018 ranking system we have compiled a list of players with, with their ranking they are categories in Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Open category. Each team will pick 15 players in total from the list.

I did not play in KCL 2018 can I still play KCL 2019?
Yes, you can. Players who were not given chance or did not attend last year KCL can register and will be in the Open category and any team can pick them on the auction day.

After 15 players if no team pick me can I still play?
Yes, you can. Each team will consist of 15 players roster, due to the timing of the matches a lot of the time, last minute drop out and player personal commitment, the team can call you 2 days or the even same day before the match. They can contact you and if you are available you can play for any team during the season. You will be categorized as a Ringer, you need to make sure your contact details are available for the captains to contact you.

What is Ringer Category?
If you are not selected in the squad of 15 you will be placed in the ringer category. You will still have a chance to prove yourself to be part of a regular squad in future. You will not be restricted to play for only one team during the season, but can play for multiple teams in the season. Finer details are still being worked out by the KCC and will be available soon.  

How's the schedule going to be made? How will the points be distributed?
The finer details are still being worked out by the KCC (Khuddam Cricket Council)