permission obtained 7 days before the start of the game. Read this document carefully for details. 
3. No bowler on the fielding team shall bowl more than 4 overs. 
4. There will be a 5-minute break for refreshment after the completion of the 10th. (Fielding teams are reminded that 
drinks containers, articles of clothing left on the field hit by a ball in play incur a 5 run penalty awarded to the batting 
5. There will be at the maximum 20 min. break between innings. 
6. Each team shall have three (1 1/2) hours to bowl its allotment of twenty overs at a rate of four minutes per over, 
including the break for drinks. The clock will be started at the commencement of the first ball. The clock may be 
stopped by the umpire for a ball being lost, injury on the field of play, to resolve a dispute, at his discretion or at the 
request and agreement of both Captains. 
7. The two teams participating in a match during the League stage will provide the umpires. The umpires will be expected 
to have a copy of the rules at hand. Biased umpiring or plain incompetence/negligence on part of the umpires should 
be reported to the TOC at the end of the game. 
Field Restrictions & Power play 
For a 20 over game, the mandatory power play will be for the first 6 overs. 
A summary of the law adopted for the Blue Grass T20 Tournament is as follows: 
1. During the first mandatory power play restrictions, two fielders in catching position are required and only 2 fielders can 
be outside the 30 yard circle. 
2. Outside of the Power play restrictions, only five fielders are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the 
instant of delivery. 
3. 30 yards lines should be clearly marked by the home team. Such markings will be present during the knockout stages 
of the matches. It is strongly recommended that the two captains during the league stage matches either mark the 
lines or decide on "rough estimates? of such lines. 
If there is no NU assigned to a BG-T20 game, then whether to play the game with or without Power plays will be at the 
discretion of the two playing captains. In this case, the two captains can mutually decide to play the game without power plays 
in order to avoid controversies. The default decision would be to play the game with power plays unless the two captains 
mutually decide to play the game without power plays. 

Rain Affected Matches 
For the league stage, any rain-affected game will be completed per the rules below or will have to be re-scheduled or points will 
have to be split between the teams. 
1. If there is rain/bad light while a game is in progress, the umpires (neutral or not), will offer the conditions to the 
2. If a fielding side leaves the pitch without consulting with the umpire and opposing captain, they will have forfeited the 
3. If the batsman leaves the pitch, for resumption of the game, conditions will have to have improved. A game cannot 
restart in rain if rain was the cause of the stoppage. 
4. Home teams are advised to have on-hand supplies (plastics, saw dust, mops etc) to assist with the expeditious 
resumption of play after rain showers. The Umpire or Group Coordinator in consultation with the respective captains will 
make the final decision about the resumption of play. 
5. A minimum of ten (10) overs must be played by each team in order for a game to be official. Otherwise, the game will 
be termed a washout and the two teams will have the option of rescheduling the game at a mutually convenient date or 
splitting the points. 
D&L Method
When minimum number of overs (10 each) can be completed by both the teams, then the Duckworth-Lewis Method will be 
used to calculate revised targets. Please see the FCT Duckworth-Lewis method document for more details
The TOC will not offer any dispute reconciliation or settlement services. It is generally difficult to resolve disputes without being 
first party to the facts. All efforts must be made to resolve disputes and continue the game to completion. 
1. There will be no challenge to the authority of the assigned umpire. The umpires‟ decision is FINAL. The Umpires will 
report any dissent he deems untoward (abusive language, gestures or actions) shown by any playing team member; 
the team in question would get a warning for the first time and subsequent infractions will result in the loss of 0.5 points. 
2. IF NO NEUTRAL UMPIRE IS REQUESTED OR ASSIGNED: Both captains must agree on who will umpire at the 
respective ends, and that their decision is final; both sides will abide with the decisions rendered. The start of the game 
indicates that mutual consent was achieved. 
3. If the standing umpire is from the batting side, only the Captain of the fielding side is allowed to approach the umpire 
to discuss any decisions or to proactively resolve any budding issues. The Captain of the fielding side is free to inform 
the umpire as to the view of his team on any perceived controversial decisions, and request a change of umpire as a 
FINAL resort if and only if the continuation of the game is threatened. 
4. To request a change of umpire, the fielding Captain must inform the standing umpire of his intention, and proceed to 
ask the opposing Captain to change the umpire. In this situation, the captains of both teams are expected to cooperate 
and resolve the issues/requests in the best interest of continuing and completing the game. If for any reason, the game 
is abandoned, because the captains and teams are unable to resolve the request in an amicable manner, and the 
matter is brought before the TOC, then the final decision of the TOC will be to split the points between the two teams. 
5. The TOC will not tolerate any physical skirmishes on the field of play. The umpires and all members are strongly 
encouraged to call appropriate legal authorities in case of physical encounters on or off the field during the scheduled 
time of a game. Such physical encounters by active members of FCT will result in the team(s) being suspended from 
the league. 
6. The two captains MUST settle all disputes on the field. Captains are advised to make a sincere effort to resolve any 
disputes in the spirit of the game and in accordance with the laws of cricket. Group Coordinators and TOC members 
will not be available to offer any mediation. If the TOC members are playing or are present at the game, they are 
responsible to ensure that the FCT rules are observed and applied, and to work with the respective captains to resolve 
the issue at hand. If the negotiations end in an impasse and the dispute is brought to the TOC, then the teams will have 
to split the points for that game. The TOC can also impose any penalties that it deems appropriate on the disputing 
7. The TOC retains the right to impose penalties it deems fit on one or both teams to preserve the integrity of the 

1. ?If you can?t say something nice, don?t say it at all.? Verbal abuse, use of profanities etc. directed at players of 
the opposing team or any fans present will result in penalties as described in a subsequent section. Under no 
circumstances will the safety of the players or any of the fans be jeopardized. ?Sledging‟ will not be tolerated. 
2. If a player, batting or fielding receives a remark that he deems offensive, without apology, or has not acknowledge the 
context of the remark, then the procedure to correct this will be: 
a. The player will inform the ruling umpire and respective captain, 
b. The Captains must promptly intervene, and resolve the issue by asking the player(s) to desist from 
making any abusive or controversial remarks while on the field. The incident will be noted in the match 
report by the umpire. 
c. The same procedure will be followed if any further incidents occur in the game. Repeated appearances by players in 
match reports will result in penalties. 
Sledging ? Penalties 
The TOC Disciplinary Committee will review reported cases on an individual basis. The penalties, if deemed necessary by the 
TOC Disciplinary Committee, may include one or all of the following: 
1. Suspension of one or more players for one or more matches, 
2. Reduction of points, 
3. The team being eliminated from further contention in the tournament. 
4. Team(s) being banned from participating in future tournaments. 
The decision of the TOC Disciplinary Committee shall be final in these matters. 

Procedures & Team Responsibilities 
Home Team?s Responsibilities with respect to hosting the game on their home ground 
The home team that is hosting the game in a ground designated as their home ground has additional responsibilities with 
respect to the availability of the ground. (Please see Before a Game section for other related responsibilities to be fulfilled) If the 
hosting team realizes their ground is not available to play a future game as scheduled, then must promptly inform the TOC. The 
following procedure will be followed in this situation: 
1. This applies for league games only 
2. As per the schedule, if a hosting team is unable to offer good ground - the visiting team will host the game provided the 
visiting team has a home ground and is available on the scheduled day of game. 
a. In an event where visiting team don't have a home ground or the ground is unavailable then the participating 
teams should reach out their respective group coordinators to either find a neutral venue (mutually agreeable 
to both participating teams) so that the game could be conducted on time or reschedule the game to later date 
(mutually agreeable to both participating teams). Please refer to ?Procedure for Change in Match Venue, Date, 
Start Time, and No. Of Overs? section for more information on how to request rescheduling. 
b. If none of the above can be worked in a mutually agreeable way, TOC will reschedule the game on any 
available day, at any available ground (within reason). Unless the visiting team has genuine concerns, the 
game must be played as scheduled. If the visiting team is not available to play due to genuine concerns, TOC 
will make a decision to award the game to the visiting team and or penalize one or both the teams as it sees 
appropriate. If the teams do not abide by TOC's decisions, one or both teams may be penalized (Points or Net 
RR) as TOC sees fit. 
c. TOC reserves the right to instruct teams to play a game, penalize one or both teams, based on the criticality of 
the game & the impact of the game on either team's playoff chances. 
Knockout/Playoff Games For knockout games, TOC reserves the right to reschedule the game at a reasonable day & time. 
Team (one of both) failing to be ready to play, will forfeit the game and the next ranked team will automatically progress. We 
as FCT TOC want to see all the games played with minimal disputes on ground availability and venues and we encourage all 
teams to actively participate in the tournament and enjoy the game. 
Scorecard/Match Report submission 
1. At the end of each game, the umpire and captains from both teams will meet and compare each other?s scorecards 
and correct any discrepancies. Once both scorecards match, both scorecards need to be signed by both the captains 
and they need to agree mutually upon a ?man of the match‟. If agreement regarding the man of the match cannot be 
achieved, then the winning team captain gets the right to choose. 
2. It is the duty of the umpire for play offs and winning captain for leagues to submit the scorecard online latest by end of 
day Monday. This forms part of the job description of the umpire, and any deviations will be addressed by the TOC. 
3. In the event that a game is played in the absence of a neutral umpire, then at the end of the game, captains from both 
teams will meet and compare each other?s scorecards and correct any discrepancies. 
4. Once both scorecards match, both scorecards need to be signed by both the captains and they need to agree mutually 
upon a ?man of the match‟. If agreement regarding the man of the match cannot be achieved, then the winning team 
captain gets the right to choose. 
5. Winning team?s captain will e-mail their Group Coordinator a brief game score first thing by evening of the following 
Monday. The Group Coordinator will publish to the Group by Tuesday evening a synopsis of games played or washed 
out, not played that weekend
6. It is the duty of the winning team captain to make sure that the completed scorecards are emailed to the group 
coordinator and the web site administrator, before 5:00 PM the following Wednesday. Failure to do so for will result 
in a warning from the group coordinator. Subsequently, the TOC reserves the right to penalize any non-submittals 
after Tuesday by deducting 50% of the points for the game. Incomplete scorecards submitted are equivalent to nonsubmittal of scorecards. 
Procedure or Change in Match Venue, Date, Start Time, and No. Of Overs 
Teams seeking a change in any of the conditions outlines above will contact the opposing team 7 days in advance, by e-mail 
TOC. The team receiving the request will immediately acknowledge the request. They will be expected to accede or deny the 
request within 48 hours. 

(Rules Continued in Part 3)
' />
permission obtained 7 days before the start of the game. Read this document carefully for details. 
3. No bowler on the fielding team shall bowl more than 4 overs. 
4. There will be a 5-minute break for refreshment after the completion of the 10th. (Fielding teams are reminded that 
drinks containers, articles of clothing left on the field hit by a ball in play incur a 5 run penalty awarded to the batting 
5. There will be at the maximum 20 min. break between innings. 
6. Each team shall have three (1 1/2) hours to bowl its allotment of twenty overs at a rate of four minutes per over, 
including the break for drinks. The clock will be started at the commencement of the first ball. The clock may be 
stopped by the umpire for a ball being lost, injury on the field of play, to resolve a dispute, at his discretion or at the 
request and agreement of both Captains. 
7. The two teams participating in a match during the League stage will provide the umpires. The umpires will be expected 
to have a copy of the rules at hand. Biased umpiring or plain incompetence/negligence on part of the umpires should 
be reported to the TOC at the end of the game. 
Field Restrictions & Power play 
For a 20 over game, the mandatory power play will be for the first 6 overs. 
A summary of the law adopted for the Blue Grass T20 Tournament is as follows: 
1. During the first mandatory power play restrictions, two fielders in catching position are required and only 2 fielders can 
be outside the 30 yard circle. 
2. Outside of the Power play restrictions, only five fielders are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the 
instant of delivery. 
3. 30 yards lines should be clearly marked by the home team. Such markings will be present during the knockout stages 
of the matches. It is strongly recommended that the two captains during the league stage matches either mark the 
lines or decide on "rough estimates? of such lines. 
If there is no NU assigned to a BG-T20 game, then whether to play the game with or without Power plays will be at the 
discretion of the two playing captains. In this case, the two captains can mutually decide to play the game without power plays 
in order to avoid controversies. The default decision would be to play the game with power plays unless the two captains 
mutually decide to play the game without power plays. 

Rain Affected Matches 
For the league stage, any rain-affected game will be completed per the rules below or will have to be re-scheduled or points will 
have to be split between the teams. 
1. If there is rain/bad light while a game is in progress, the umpires (neutral or not), will offer the conditions to the 
2. If a fielding side leaves the pitch without consulting with the umpire and opposing captain, they will have forfeited the 
3. If the batsman leaves the pitch, for resumption of the game, conditions will have to have improved. A game cannot 
restart in rain if rain was the cause of the stoppage. 
4. Home teams are advised to have on-hand supplies (plastics, saw dust, mops etc) to assist with the expeditious 
resumption of play after rain showers. The Umpire or Group Coordinator in consultation with the respective captains will 
make the final decision about the resumption of play. 
5. A minimum of ten (10) overs must be played by each team in order for a game to be official. Otherwise, the game will 
be termed a washout and the two teams will have the option of rescheduling the game at a mutually convenient date or 
splitting the points. 
D&L Method
When minimum number of overs (10 each) can be completed by both the teams, then the Duckworth-Lewis Method will be 
used to calculate revised targets. Please see the FCT Duckworth-Lewis method document for more details
The TOC will not offer any dispute reconciliation or settlement services. It is generally difficult to resolve disputes without being 
first party to the facts. All efforts must be made to resolve disputes and continue the game to completion. 
1. There will be no challenge to the authority of the assigned umpire. The umpires‟ decision is FINAL. The Umpires will 
report any dissent he deems untoward (abusive language, gestures or actions) shown by any playing team member; 
the team in question would get a warning for the first time and subsequent infractions will result in the loss of 0.5 points. 
2. IF NO NEUTRAL UMPIRE IS REQUESTED OR ASSIGNED: Both captains must agree on who will umpire at the 
respective ends, and that their decision is final; both sides will abide with the decisions rendered. The start of the game 
indicates that mutual consent was achieved. 
3. If the standing umpire is from the batting side, only the Captain of the fielding side is allowed to approach the umpire 
to discuss any decisions or to proactively resolve any budding issues. The Captain of the fielding side is free to inform 
the umpire as to the view of his team on any perceived controversial decisions, and request a change of umpire as a 
FINAL resort if and only if the continuation of the game is threatened. 
4. To request a change of umpire, the fielding Captain must inform the standing umpire of his intention, and proceed to 
ask the opposing Captain to change the umpire. In this situation, the captains of both teams are expected to cooperate 
and resolve the issues/requests in the best interest of continuing and completing the game. If for any reason, the game 
is abandoned, because the captains and teams are unable to resolve the request in an amicable manner, and the 
matter is brought before the TOC, then the final decision of the TOC will be to split the points between the two teams. 
5. The TOC will not tolerate any physical skirmishes on the field of play. The umpires and all members are strongly 
encouraged to call appropriate legal authorities in case of physical encounters on or off the field during the scheduled 
time of a game. Such physical encounters by active members of FCT will result in the team(s) being suspended from 
the league. 
6. The two captains MUST settle all disputes on the field. Captains are advised to make a sincere effort to resolve any 
disputes in the spirit of the game and in accordance with the laws of cricket. Group Coordinators and TOC members 
will not be available to offer any mediation. If the TOC members are playing or are present at the game, they are 
responsible to ensure that the FCT rules are observed and applied, and to work with the respective captains to resolve 
the issue at hand. If the negotiations end in an impasse and the dispute is brought to the TOC, then the teams will have 
to split the points for that game. The TOC can also impose any penalties that it deems appropriate on the disputing 
7. The TOC retains the right to impose penalties it deems fit on one or both teams to preserve the integrity of the 

1. ?If you can?t say something nice, don?t say it at all.? Verbal abuse, use of profanities etc. directed at players of 
the opposing team or any fans present will result in penalties as described in a subsequent section. Under no 
circumstances will the safety of the players or any of the fans be jeopardized. ?Sledging‟ will not be tolerated. 
2. If a player, batting or fielding receives a remark that he deems offensive, without apology, or has not acknowledge the 
context of the remark, then the procedure to correct this will be: 
a. The player will inform the ruling umpire and respective captain, 
b. The Captains must promptly intervene, and resolve the issue by asking the player(s) to desist from 
making any abusive or controversial remarks while on the field. The incident will be noted in the match 
report by the umpire. 
c. The same procedure will be followed if any further incidents occur in the game. Repeated appearances by players in 
match reports will result in penalties. 
Sledging ? Penalties 
The TOC Disciplinary Committee will review reported cases on an individual basis. The penalties, if deemed necessary by the 
TOC Disciplinary Committee, may include one or all of the following: 
1. Suspension of one or more players for one or more matches, 
2. Reduction of points, 
3. The team being eliminated from further contention in the tournament. 
4. Team(s) being banned from participating in future tournaments. 
The decision of the TOC Disciplinary Committee shall be final in these matters. 

Procedures & Team Responsibilities 
Home Team?s Responsibilities with respect to hosting the game on their home ground 
The home team that is hosting the game in a ground designated as their home ground has additional responsibilities with 
respect to the availability of the ground. (Please see Before a Game section for other related responsibilities to be fulfilled) If the 
hosting team realizes their ground is not available to play a future game as scheduled, then must promptly inform the TOC. The 
following procedure will be followed in this situation: 
1. This applies for league games only 
2. As per the schedule, if a hosting team is unable to offer good ground - the visiting team will host the game provided the 
visiting team has a home ground and is available on the scheduled day of game. 
a. In an event where visiting team don't have a home ground or the ground is unavailable then the participating 
teams should reach out their respective group coordinators to either find a neutral venue (mutually agreeable 
to both participating teams) so that the game could be conducted on time or reschedule the game to later date 
(mutually agreeable to both participating teams). Please refer to ?Procedure for Change in Match Venue, Date, 
Start Time, and No. Of Overs? section for more information on how to request rescheduling. 
b. If none of the above can be worked in a mutually agreeable way, TOC will reschedule the game on any 
available day, at any available ground (within reason). Unless the visiting team has genuine concerns, the 
game must be played as scheduled. If the visiting team is not available to play due to genuine concerns, TOC 
will make a decision to award the game to the visiting team and or penalize one or both the teams as it sees 
appropriate. If the teams do not abide by TOC's decisions, one or both teams may be penalized (Points or Net 
RR) as TOC sees fit. 
c. TOC reserves the right to instruct teams to play a game, penalize one or both teams, based on the criticality of 
the game & the impact of the game on either team's playoff chances. 
Knockout/Playoff Games For knockout games, TOC reserves the right to reschedule the game at a reasonable day & time. 
Team (one of both) failing to be ready to play, will forfeit the game and the next ranked team will automatically progress. We 
as FCT TOC want to see all the games played with minimal disputes on ground availability and venues and we encourage all 
teams to actively participate in the tournament and enjoy the game. 
Scorecard/Match Report submission 
1. At the end of each game, the umpire and captains from both teams will meet and compare each other?s scorecards 
and correct any discrepancies. Once both scorecards match, both scorecards need to be signed by both the captains 
and they need to agree mutually upon a ?man of the match‟. If agreement regarding the man of the match cannot be 
achieved, then the winning team captain gets the right to choose. 
2. It is the duty of the umpire for play offs and winning captain for leagues to submit the scorecard online latest by end of 
day Monday. This forms part of the job description of the umpire, and any deviations will be addressed by the TOC. 
3. In the event that a game is played in the absence of a neutral umpire, then at the end of the game, captains from both 
teams will meet and compare each other?s scorecards and correct any discrepancies. 
4. Once both scorecards match, both scorecards need to be signed by both the captains and they need to agree mutually 
upon a ?man of the match‟. If agreement regarding the man of the match cannot be achieved, then the winning team 
captain gets the right to choose. 
5. Winning team?s captain will e-mail their Group Coordinator a brief game score first thing by evening of the following 
Monday. The Group Coordinator will publish to the Group by Tuesday evening a synopsis of games played or washed 
out, not played that weekend
6. It is the duty of the winning team captain to make sure that the completed scorecards are emailed to the group 
coordinator and the web site administrator, before 5:00 PM the following Wednesday. Failure to do so for will result 
in a warning from the group coordinator. Subsequently, the TOC reserves the right to penalize any non-submittals 
after Tuesday by deducting 50% of the points for the game. Incomplete scorecards submitted are equivalent to nonsubmittal of scorecards. 
Procedure or Change in Match Venue, Date, Start Time, and No. Of Overs 
Teams seeking a change in any of the conditions outlines above will contact the opposing team 7 days in advance, by e-mail 
TOC. The team receiving the request will immediately acknowledge the request. They will be expected to accede or deny the 
request within 48 hours. 

(Rules Continued in Part 3)
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BGT20 Rules Part 2

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Dress Code 
BG-T20 will be a colored clothing + white ball tournament. Teams will have the liberty to choose their own team colors, color 
combinations and designs. There will be no restrictions as long as the team players are not dressed in whites. Please ensure 
that all the team members are dressed in similar colors. Use of regular white pads and other protective equipment will be 
allowed. Teams will have to bear the cost of the colored clothing and BG-T20 holds no responsibility for the same. 
If a player/bowler incorrectly attired comes to bowl, the umpire will first warn the bowler and fielding team Captain to change; 
Subsequent infractions will result in the umpire calling a ?no ball? for every ball that the bowler is inappropriately clad. A player 
not appropriately dressed may not take the field. List all improper attire such as jeans, shorts, etc. Exception to this rule comes 
in the form of an oral or written agreement between the respective captain‟s and the ruling umpire. 
Game Rules for all Matches
All games shall be played under the latest International Cricket Council (ICC) rules and by-laws. A copy of these rules and bylaws can be obtained at it will be the responsibility of the team captain to ensure that each 
member on his team is aware of and comprehends the rules. Any amendments to the laws are detailed below. 
1. Any team not using the standard Blue Grass T20 Tournament ball in a game shall forfeit the game.
2. All matches shall be twenty (20) overs a side. An exception is allowed only due to inclement weather or by the GC's 
permission obtained 7 days before the start of the game. Read this document carefully for details. 
3. No bowler on the fielding team shall bowl more than 4 overs. 
4. There will be a 5-minute break for refreshment after the completion of the 10th. (Fielding teams are reminded that 
drinks containers, articles of clothing left on the field hit by a ball in play incur a 5 run penalty awarded to the batting 
5. There will be at the maximum 20 min. break between innings. 
6. Each team shall have three (1 1/2) hours to bowl its allotment of twenty overs at a rate of four minutes per over, 
including the break for drinks. The clock will be started at the commencement of the first ball. The clock may be 
stopped by the umpire for a ball being lost, injury on the field of play, to resolve a dispute, at his discretion or at the 
request and agreement of both Captains. 
7. The two teams participating in a match during the League stage will provide the umpires. The umpires will be expected 
to have a copy of the rules at hand. Biased umpiring or plain incompetence/negligence on part of the umpires should 
be reported to the TOC at the end of the game. 
Field Restrictions & Power play 
For a 20 over game, the mandatory power play will be for the first 6 overs. 
A summary of the law adopted for the Blue Grass T20 Tournament is as follows: 
1. During the first mandatory power play restrictions, two fielders in catching position are required and only 2 fielders can 
be outside the 30 yard circle. 
2. Outside of the Power play restrictions, only five fielders are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the 
instant of delivery. 
3. 30 yards lines should be clearly marked by the home team. Such markings will be present during the knockout stages 
of the matches. It is strongly recommended that the two captains during the league stage matches either mark the 
lines or decide on "rough estimates? of such lines. 
If there is no NU assigned to a BG-T20 game, then whether to play the game with or without Power plays will be at the 
discretion of the two playing captains. In this case, the two captains can mutually decide to play the game without power plays 
in order to avoid controversies. The default decision would be to play the game with power plays unless the two captains 
mutually decide to play the game without power plays. 

Rain Affected Matches 
For the league stage, any rain-affected game will be completed per the rules below or will have to be re-scheduled or points will 
have to be split between the teams. 
1. If there is rain/bad light while a game is in progress, the umpires (neutral or not), will offer the conditions to the 
2. If a fielding side leaves the pitch without consulting with the umpire and opposing captain, they will have forfeited the 
3. If the batsman leaves the pitch, for resumption of the game, conditions will have to have improved. A game cannot 
restart in rain if rain was the cause of the stoppage. 
4. Home teams are advised to have on-hand supplies (plastics, saw dust, mops etc) to assist with the expeditious 
resumption of play after rain showers. The Umpire or Group Coordinator in consultation with the respective captains will 
make the final decision about the resumption of play. 
5. A minimum of ten (10) overs must be played by each team in order for a game to be official. Otherwise, the game will 
be termed a washout and the two teams will have the option of rescheduling the game at a mutually convenient date or 
splitting the points. 
D&L Method
When minimum number of overs (10 each) can be completed by both the teams, then the Duckworth-Lewis Method will be 
used to calculate revised targets. Please see the FCT Duckworth-Lewis method document for more details
The TOC will not offer any dispute reconciliation or settlement services. It is generally difficult to resolve disputes without being 
first party to the facts. All efforts must be made to resolve disputes and continue the game to completion. 
1. There will be no challenge to the authority of the assigned umpire. The umpires‟ decision is FINAL. The Umpires will 
report any dissent he deems untoward (abusive language, gestures or actions) shown by any playing team member; 
the team in question would get a warning for the first time and subsequent infractions will result in the loss of 0.5 points. 
2. IF NO NEUTRAL UMPIRE IS REQUESTED OR ASSIGNED: Both captains must agree on who will umpire at the 
respective ends, and that their decision is final; both sides will abide with the decisions rendered. The start of the game 
indicates that mutual consent was achieved. 
3. If the standing umpire is from the batting side, only the Captain of the fielding side is allowed to approach the umpire 
to discuss any decisions or to proactively resolve any budding issues. The Captain of the fielding side is free to inform 
the umpire as to the view of his team on any perceived controversial decisions, and request a change of umpire as a 
FINAL resort if and only if the continuation of the game is threatened. 
4. To request a change of umpire, the fielding Captain must inform the standing umpire of his intention, and proceed to 
ask the opposing Captain to change the umpire. In this situation, the captains of both teams are expected to cooperate 
and resolve the issues/requests in the best interest of continuing and completing the game. If for any reason, the game 
is abandoned, because the captains and teams are unable to resolve the request in an amicable manner, and the 
matter is brought before the TOC, then the final decision of the TOC will be to split the points between the two teams. 
5. The TOC will not tolerate any physical skirmishes on the field of play. The umpires and all members are strongly 
encouraged to call appropriate legal authorities in case of physical encounters on or off the field during the scheduled 
time of a game. Such physical encounters by active members of FCT will result in the team(s) being suspended from 
the league. 
6. The two captains MUST settle all disputes on the field. Captains are advised to make a sincere effort to resolve any 
disputes in the spirit of the game and in accordance with the laws of cricket. Group Coordinators and TOC members 
will not be available to offer any mediation. If the TOC members are playing or are present at the game, they are 
responsible to ensure that the FCT rules are observed and applied, and to work with the respective captains to resolve 
the issue at hand. If the negotiations end in an impasse and the dispute is brought to the TOC, then the teams will have 
to split the points for that game. The TOC can also impose any penalties that it deems appropriate on the disputing 
7. The TOC retains the right to impose penalties it deems fit on one or both teams to preserve the integrity of the 

1. ?If you can?t say something nice, don?t say it at all.? Verbal abuse, use of profanities etc. directed at players of 
the opposing team or any fans present will result in penalties as described in a subsequent section. Under no 
circumstances will the safety of the players or any of the fans be jeopardized. ?Sledging‟ will not be tolerated. 
2. If a player, batting or fielding receives a remark that he deems offensive, without apology, or has not acknowledge the 
context of the remark, then the procedure to correct this will be: 
a. The player will inform the ruling umpire and respective captain, 
b. The Captains must promptly intervene, and resolve the issue by asking the player(s) to desist from 
making any abusive or controversial remarks while on the field. The incident will be noted in the match 
report by the umpire. 
c. The same procedure will be followed if any further incidents occur in the game. Repeated appearances by players in 
match reports will result in penalties. 
Sledging ? Penalties 
The TOC Disciplinary Committee will review reported cases on an individual basis. The penalties, if deemed necessary by the 
TOC Disciplinary Committee, may include one or all of the following: 
1. Suspension of one or more players for one or more matches, 
2. Reduction of points, 
3. The team being eliminated from further contention in the tournament. 
4. Team(s) being banned from participating in future tournaments. 
The decision of the TOC Disciplinary Committee shall be final in these matters. 

Procedures & Team Responsibilities 
Home Team?s Responsibilities with respect to hosting the game on their home ground 
The home team that is hosting the game in a ground designated as their home ground has additional responsibilities with 
respect to the availability of the ground. (Please see Before a Game section for other related responsibilities to be fulfilled) If the 
hosting team realizes their ground is not available to play a future game as scheduled, then must promptly inform the TOC. The 
following procedure will be followed in this situation: 
1. This applies for league games only 
2. As per the schedule, if a hosting team is unable to offer good ground - the visiting team will host the game provided the 
visiting team has a home ground and is available on the scheduled day of game. 
a. In an event where visiting team don't have a home ground or the ground is unavailable then the participating 
teams should reach out their respective group coordinators to either find a neutral venue (mutually agreeable 
to both participating teams) so that the game could be conducted on time or reschedule the game to later date 
(mutually agreeable to both participating teams). Please refer to ?Procedure for Change in Match Venue, Date, 
Start Time, and No. Of Overs? section for more information on how to request rescheduling. 
b. If none of the above can be worked in a mutually agreeable way, TOC will reschedule the game on any 
available day, at any available ground (within reason). Unless the visiting team has genuine concerns, the 
game must be played as scheduled. If the visiting team is not available to play due to genuine concerns, TOC 
will make a decision to award the game to the visiting team and or penalize one or both the teams as it sees 
appropriate. If the teams do not abide by TOC's decisions, one or both teams may be penalized (Points or Net 
RR) as TOC sees fit. 
c. TOC reserves the right to instruct teams to play a game, penalize one or both teams, based on the criticality of 
the game & the impact of the game on either team's playoff chances. 
Knockout/Playoff Games For knockout games, TOC reserves the right to reschedule the game at a reasonable day & time. 
Team (one of both) failing to be ready to play, will forfeit the game and the next ranked team will automatically progress. We 
as FCT TOC want to see all the games played with minimal disputes on ground availability and venues and we encourage all 
teams to actively participate in the tournament and enjoy the game. 
Scorecard/Match Report submission 
1. At the end of each game, the umpire and captains from both teams will meet and compare each other?s scorecards 
and correct any discrepancies. Once both scorecards match, both scorecards need to be signed by both the captains 
and they need to agree mutually upon a ?man of the match‟. If agreement regarding the man of the match cannot be 
achieved, then the winning team captain gets the right to choose. 
2. It is the duty of the umpire for play offs and winning captain for leagues to submit the scorecard online latest by end of 
day Monday. This forms part of the job description of the umpire, and any deviations will be addressed by the TOC. 
3. In the event that a game is played in the absence of a neutral umpire, then at the end of the game, captains from both 
teams will meet and compare each other?s scorecards and correct any discrepancies. 
4. Once both scorecards match, both scorecards need to be signed by both the captains and they need to agree mutually 
upon a ?man of the match‟. If agreement regarding the man of the match cannot be achieved, then the winning team 
captain gets the right to choose. 
5. Winning team?s captain will e-mail their Group Coordinator a brief game score first thing by evening of the following 
Monday. The Group Coordinator will publish to the Group by Tuesday evening a synopsis of games played or washed 
out, not played that weekend
6. It is the duty of the winning team captain to make sure that the completed scorecards are emailed to the group 
coordinator and the web site administrator, before 5:00 PM the following Wednesday. Failure to do so for will result 
in a warning from the group coordinator. Subsequently, the TOC reserves the right to penalize any non-submittals 
after Tuesday by deducting 50% of the points for the game. Incomplete scorecards submitted are equivalent to nonsubmittal of scorecards. 
Procedure or Change in Match Venue, Date, Start Time, and No. Of Overs 
Teams seeking a change in any of the conditions outlines above will contact the opposing team 7 days in advance, by e-mail 
TOC. The team receiving the request will immediately acknowledge the request. They will be expected to accede or deny the 
request within 48 hours. 

(Rules Continued in Part 3)

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