Match Results
Match Results: Biggie Rankin Red-Ball 2024
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Feb 2024

Biggie Rankin Red-Ball 2024

Morvin Brooks X1 v Danny Greaves X1

Forfeited. Winner: Morvin Brooks X1



Feb 2024

Biggie Rankin Red-Ball 2024

Jimmy Powell X1 v Danny Greaves X1

Jimmy Powell X1 won by 9 Wickets

  Ball By Ball


Feb 2024

Biggie Rankin Red-Ball 2024

Danny Greaves X1 v Indians X1

Indians X1 won by Innings and 73Run(s)

  Ball By Ball
 # Match Type Date Team One Team two Result Scores Summary Points
3 League 02/24/2024 Morvin Brooks X1 Danny Greaves X1 Forfeited. Winner: Morvin Brooks X1 Morvin Brooks X1: 0/0 - 0/0 0
2 League 02/17/2024 Jimmy Powell X1 Danny Greaves X1 Jimmy Powell X1 won by 9 Wickets Jimmy Powell X1: 262/3 - 7/1
Danny Greaves X1: 153/10 - 117/10Ball By Ball Coverage
1 League 02/10/2024 Danny Greaves X1 Indians X1 Indians X1 won by Innings and 73Run(s) Danny Greaves X1: 70/7 - 84/10
Indians X1: 227/9 - 0/0Ball By Ball Coverage