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Batter R B 4s 6s SR
Jaum Viturino 6 13 0 0 46.15
Bowler O M R W Econ
Extra 1 0.4 0 0 2 0.00
Lucas Paixão 2.0 0 8 1 4.00
  • W 4.4  
  • Extra 1 to Poli A OUT! BOWLED  

    Poli Azul  b Extra 1  0 (2 balls, 0 Fours, 0 Sixers) SR 0.00

  • 4:01 PM
  • 4.3  
  • Extra 1 to Poli A, 0 run
  • 4:00 PM
  • Poli Azul, comes to the crease.
  • 3:59 PM
  • W 4.2  
  • Extra 1 to Extra 1 OUT! BOWLED  

    Extra 1  b Extra 1  3 (5 balls, 0 Fours, 0 Sixers) SR 60.00

  • 3:59 PM
  • 4.1  
  • Extra 1 to Extra 1, 0 run
  • 3:59 PM
  • Extra 1, comes into the attack.
  • 3:59 PM

Over 4 (3 Runs)

Jaum V6 (13)

Extra 1 3 (3)

Lucas P2.0-0-8-1

Run Rate : 5.75


Time 1 treino


  • 3.6  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:57 PM
  • 3.5  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:57 PM
  • 1 3.4  
  • Lucas P to Extra 1, 1 run
  • 3:57 PM
  • 2 3.3  
  • Lucas P to Extra 1, 2 runs , towards long on
  • 3:56 PM
  • 3.2  
  • Lucas P to Extra 1, 0 run
  • 3:56 PM
  • Extra 1, comes to the crease.
  • 3:54 PM
  • W 3.1  
  • Lucas P to Mamacita P OUT! BOWLED  

    Mamacita Pereira  b Lucas P  9 (8 balls, 1 Fours, 0 Sixers) SR 112.50

  • 3:54 PM
  • Lucas Paixão, comes into the attack.
  • 3:54 PM

Over 3 (6 Runs)

Jaum V6 (11)

Mamacita P 9 (7)

Daniel 12.0-0-14-0

Run Rate : 6.67


Time 1 treino


  • 2.6  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:53 PM
  • 2.5  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:52 PM
  • 2.4  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:51 PM
  • 1 2.3  
  • Daniel 1 to Mamacita P, 1 run , towards third slip
  • 3:51 PM
  • 2wd 2.3  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V 2 WIDES
  • 3:49 PM
  • 1wd 2.3  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V WIDE
  • 3:49 PM
  • 2.2  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:48 PM
  • 1wd 2.2  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V WIDE
  • 3:48 PM
  • 1 2.1  
  • Daniel 1 to Mamacita P, 1 run , towards long off
  • 3:48 PM
  • Daniel 1, comes into the attack.
  • 3:46 PM

Over 2 (5 Runs)

Jaum V6 (7)

Mamacita P 7 (5)

Lucas P1.0-0-5-0

Run Rate : 7.00


Time 1 treino


  • 2 1.6  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 2 runs , towards long on
  • 3:45 PM
  • 2 1.5  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 2 runs , towards midwicket
  • 3:45 PM
  • 1.4  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:44 PM
  • 1.3  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:44 PM
  • 1.2  
  • Lucas P to Jaum V, 0 run
  • 3:44 PM
  • 1 1.1  
  • Lucas P to Mamacita P, 1 run , towards mid on
  • 3:44 PM
  • Lucas Paixão, comes into the attack.
  • 3:41 PM

Over 1 (9 Runs)

Mamacita P6 (4)

Jaum V 2 (2)

Daniel 11.0-0-8-0

Run Rate : 9.00


Time 1 treino


  • 1lb 0.6  
  • Daniel 1 to Mamacita P, 1 run , towards third man LEG BYE
  • 3:40 PM
  • 1 0.5  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V, 1 run , towards backward point
  • 3:40 PM
  • 1 0.4  
  • Daniel 1 to Mamacita P, 1 run , towards deep midwicket
  • 3:39 PM
  • 4 0.3  
  • Daniel 1 to Mamacita P, 4 runs , towards deep backward square leg FOUR
  • 3:38 PM
  • 1 0.2  
  • Daniel 1 to Jaum V, 1 run , towards third man
  • 3:37 PM
  • 1 0.1  
  • Daniel 1 to Mamacita P, 1 run , towards deep midwicket
  • 3:37 PM
  • Daniel 1, comes into the attack.
  • 3:37 PM
  • Jaum Viturino, comes to the crease.
  • 3:37 PM
  • Mamacita Pereira, comes to the crease.
    MAT:2 | RUNS:9 | AVG:--.-- | HR:9
  • 3:37 PM
  • Time 1 treino won the toss and elected to bat
  • 3:37 PM
  • Time 2 treino Players: Daniel 1*
  • 3:37 PM
  • Time 1 treino Players: Extra 1*, Extra 2, Extra 3, Jaum Viturino, Mamacita Pereira
  • 3:37 PM
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