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News - FCA EC 2018 - Update
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FCA EC 2018 - Update

01/23/2018POSTED BY Florida Cricket Association Admin

FCA EC 2018 - Update

Hello Cricket Community,

First of all I would like to say thank you to everyone for continuously supporting FCA and the committee. We as a committee are constantly working to improve the conditions and standards of FCA. We hope we did a pretty good job in 2017 and will continue to do the same in 2018.

As you all know we are continuing the same committee for 2018 with the addition of few new members. It takes a lot of time and effort on our part to do all these things we have been doing, apart from our jobs and family time. My responsibilities at my job increased a lot and I feel like I can’t spend the same time and effort that I did the past 2 years for FCA and do due justice to the role of FCA president. Having said that, I have taken a decision to step away from the role of the FCA president and also from the committee. I spoke to the committee and we all decided that Prem will be leading the FCA EC moving forward. We conveyed the same thing to the Board and everyone is in agreement.

All the remaining committee members will continue and we are adding two new members. Ramakrishna Annamaneni ( Kings ) and Hareesh Veeravalli ( 22 balls) will join the committee this year.

These changes are effective immediately and you will hear from the committe soon about upcoming events.

I wish the committee good luck and will be there to support them in every way possible and hoping you do the same.

Satish Bollimpalli.

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