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04/25/2016POSTED BY Florida Cricket Association Admin


Hello Teams

FCA-EC would like to thank all the teams participating in the tournament and also extend the appreciation for playing three matches in a day.
We are one week away from playoffs and there are certain things that needs your attention.
  1. Qualifying Criteria: Top two teams from each group will be seeded one thru six based on points and NRR. 7th and 8th position will be wild card slots. This is based on points first and then run rate if the points are same for the remaining of the teams across all groups.
  2. Play-Off Umpires: Every team who did not make it to play offs must send at least one name as an umpire to the playoffs. Umpires will be paid and we are increasing the umpiring fee to $30. In the past it was an optional choice for the teams, but this time we will be needing a name going forward as we need 8 umpires for quarters, 4 for semis and 2 for finals. There will be a follow up communication to send the name and contact info of the umpires when the plays offs spots are confirmed.
  3. Team Jersey: The rule is 8 players with jersey is mandatory and the remaining 3 players can wear white t-shirt and black tracks. We as EC tried not to force the teams to a jersey in the league stage but this will be a mandate in the playoffs. The reason being that we would like to promote cricket here in Jax and encourage more teams to join the league. We will be posting pictures and videos on our Facebook page and would like our teams to look professional. Shorts are not allowed on the ground. This will be implemented without any exception as the umpires will be from FCA.
  4. Ground Litter: We received a complaint that several bottles are being left on the field. Please clean up after yourself. Repeat of this offense will result in us losing the ground. Any team found guilty of this offense will be fined heavily.
Reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you

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