CricClubs Powers ICC Men's T20 World Cup On-Ground Scoreboard! Learn More


Batter R B 4s 6s SR
Rouxean C 6 8 1 0 75.00
Bowler O M R W Econ
Schalk Van Ettinger 0.5 0 2 1 2.40
Jackson 1 1.0 0 8 0 8.00
  • W 1.5  
  • Schalk V to Dideri L OUT! BOWLED  

    Dideri L  b Schalk V  2 (3 balls, 0 Fours, 0 Sixers) SR 66.67

  • 11:54 AM
  • 1 1.4  
  • Schalk V to Rouxean C, 1 run
  • 11:53 AM
  • 1.3  
  • Schalk V to Rouxean C, 0 run
  • 11:52 AM
  • 1.2  
  • Schalk V to Rouxean C, 0 run
  • 11:52 AM
  • 1 1.1  
  • Schalk V to Dideri L, 1 run
  • 11:52 AM
  • Schalk Van Ettinger, comes into the attack.
  • 11:51 AM

Over 1 (8 Runs)

Dideri L1 (1)

Rouxean C 5 (5)

Jackson 11.0-0-8-0

Run Rate : 8.00


JHB North West


  • 1 0.6  
  • Jackson 1 to Dideri L, 1 run
  • 11:50 AM
  • 1 0.5  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C, 1 run
  • 11:50 AM
  • 0.4  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C, 0 run
  • 11:49 AM
  • 0.3  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C, 0 run
  • 11:49 AM
  • 0.2  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C, 0 run
  • 11:48 AM
  • 1wd 0.2  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C WIDE
  • 11:48 AM
  • 4 0.1  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C, 4 runs FOUR
  • 11:48 AM
  • 1wd 0.1  
  • Jackson 1 to Rouxean C WIDE
  • 11:47 AM
  • Jackson 1, comes into the attack.
  • 11:46 AM
  • Dideri L, comes to the crease.
  • 11:46 AM
  • Rouxean C, comes to the crease.
  • 11:46 AM
  • JHB North West won the toss and elected to bat
  • 11:21 AM
  • JHB North West Players: 11:21 AM
  • GW Black U/13 Players: Alexander Leibbrandt, Bernard Toit*, Eduard Maritz, Jackson 1, Juanrey Zaayman, Pierre Joubert, Reinhardt Van Ryneveld, Retaible 1, Roan Viviers, Schalk Van Ettinger, Zander Nel
  • 11:21 AM
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