• YB Tournament 2017
  • Friday cup
Leagues Summary
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Cricket _ Basic Rules
  • AK AK
  • 03/20/2017
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Cricket is played by two teams of eleven on a level, closely cut oval "pitch" preferably measuring about 525 ft (160 m) by about 550 ft (170 m). Two wickets are placed 66 ft (20.12 m) apart near the middle of the field. A wicket consists of two wooden crosspieces (bails) resting on three wooden stumps 28 in. (71.1 cm) high.At each wicket stands a batsman. If the opposing bowler, delivering the ball from near the opposing wicket, knocks down the bails of the batsman's wicket, the b[...]

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How a spinner can break the rhythm of the batsman
  • AK AK
  • 03/20/2017
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The key to spin-bowling success is to plan how the ball arrives at the batsman.If it leaves the bowler's hand hard-spun and dipping, the area of danger the batsman faces is enormous. However, if every ball arrives on much the same trajectory and at the same speed, the area of danger becomes tiny. A good batsman will soon get into his rhythm and think, "Oh, here comes another one, landing in the same spot. Where will I smash it to this time?"What the bowler needs is to change his p[...]

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