CricClubs Powers ICC Men's T20 World Cup On-Ground Scoreboard! Learn More
How do I install CricClubs App on my iOS/Android device?
Search for "Hamzah Cricket Community" in App Store/Google Play Store and install the App
Iam already registered with the HCC website. Do I need to Register again with CricClubs as a new player?
No. CricClubs user account has been already created for the players who are registered with HCC website AND have signed the waiver.
How do I access my User Account on CricClubs?
Visit or launch the App on your mobile device. When trying to log into your account for the first time, click on "Log In" and then "Forgot Password". Provide your Email Id that's on record with HCC website and hit Submit/Send OTP. Your User Id and Password/OTP will be sent to you via email. Make sure to check Spam folder or other folders if you don't see it in Inbox.
I signed the waiver with HCC website already. Do I need to sign the waiver again on CricClubs?
No. However, upon your first login, you may be asked to agree to the Terms & Conditions which is same as Waiver. In this case, just click agree to proceed further.
Iam a new player. How do I register to play with any team in HCC?
Effective June 1st, 2022, all new players must register on CricClubs. Visit or launch the App on your mobile device and click on "Register" and follow the steps. Make sure to select appropriate "Series" and "Team" from the drop-down menu. Once you submit the registration form, League Admin (HMO member) will have to approve your registration request for your status to become active upon which your name will appear in respective team roster. You’ll receive email updates every step of the way. If you don’t find it in Inbox, check Spam or other folders.