Match Results
Match Results: Friendly and Warm Up matches
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Feb 2023

Friendly and Warm Up matches

Heronbridge 1st team 2022/23 v St Peters college 1st team 2022/23

St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 won by Innings and 1Run(s)

  Ball By Ball


Feb 2023

Friendly and Warm Up matches

St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 v King David Linksfield 1st team 2022

St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 won by 9 Run(s)

  Ball By Ball
 # Match Type Date Team One Team two Result Scores Summary Points
2 League 02/22/2023 Heronbridge 1st team 2022/23 St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 won by Innings and 1Run(s) Heronbridge 1st team 2022/23: 96/10 - 0/0
St Peters college 1st team 2022/23: 97/3 - 0/0Ball By Ball Coverage
1 League 02/15/2023 St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 King David Linksfield 1st team 2022 St Peters college 1st team 2022/23 won by 9 Run(s) St Peters college 1st team 2022/23: 125/10 - 0/0
King David Linksfield 1st team 2022: 116/10 - 0/0Ball By Ball Coverage