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08/15/2016POSTED BY Hamid Iqbal


Hello MDCL Teams,
I am sorry, I could not send league summary regularly. Life is very busy.
Now, MDCL has completed the regular round. So, I am making a report of teams final ranking after regular round. Whole regular round was very exciting.
Per the current ranking, congratulation to top 8 teams, and feel little down for the teams who did not qualify for the play offs.
Let me start from bottom,
# 14 : Challengers,  Challengers started good, but after that somehow they could not keep the rhythm and lost 7 games.

# 13: Panthers did start very poor and everybody thought they are easy target to play with, but, after half of the regular round, Saravan captain restructured his team and showed very competitive cricket. They won consecutive 3 games, but, it was too late for them to come back and qualify for QF. They did not have error margin and due to early 5 games loss they paid the price at the end. They are # 13.

# 12: Det Badshah is very unpredictable team and due to this inconsistency they lost too many at the end and left behind. But, they were always threat for the opponent teams.

# 11: Deccan Blitz is the most unfortunate team who did not win the race of qualifiers. They are few records holder and I was very certain that they will qualify for top 8. But, may be lack of MDCL experience and shortage of players they could not maintain their record type performance in last few games. I am sure next year Captain Aamer will field similar team with experience and give tough time to opponents.
# 10: Det Warriors is missing Shubur from his team, he was a solid standing run machine for them. The started good and Tariq and Mehmood tried to maintain same last few years performance, but, later they lost the control to maintain quality performance which was always part of one time champion team in MDCL history. 

# 9:  Det Lions is the new team this year, Mr. Babloo introduced them. They are a bunch of young players who started playing first time in the competitive MDCL. In some games they showed very high quality performance, but, again due to lack of MDCL experience they could not perform enough to get in top 8 teams. But, as a first time participant, it is like an achievement for them to be #9 and just little short from qualifying.

# 8 : Killers -  Now the first lucky team of qualifiers is Killers. Killers are always a killing team from last few years. But, this year they started with new young players. Alom the sponsor of Killers team was not playing and hard to get his regular player till the ¾ part of the league. But, after that they realized do or die situation for them and reorganized the team with their regular key players. With the good combination in last few games they made sure their spot in QF.

# 7: MCC was dead meat till the middle of the league. They lost 5 early games with one washed out. They were in the impression that this year no chance for them. But, then Mr. Abrar the skipper got up from sleep and bring MCC on his line of course. They also had do or die situation in their last 5 games. They made it and now again will be a threat for all qualifiers like they were champion in 2014 MDCL.

# 6: Det Royals showed this year like a Royals kind of attitude and start with great team and hard to beat, but, later they lost winning rhythm gradually. Skipper Tayef was keep performing and rest of the team was short to stand with skipper. Their lots of players involved in hard ball cricket and once it comes to hard ball players commitment there is always an availability issue. Anyway, they are in now and Tayef got sign of all his regular player to participate in all future games. Lets see what team they may have in playoffs.

# 5: Rebels is always a tough team for opponents for several years. They were up and down this year, but, still good enough to qualify with clear standing. They all are same players from several year, very consistent and committed group of players. They are not lucky every year to qualify for Final. Lets see if they may beat their own jinx for playoff round. I like their attitude and professional way to handle even loss.

# 4: Macomb Striker showed this year improved and better team as compare to last year. They played like a team and showed that they are not like previous Macomb Striker. Last year they did not qualify for QF, so, this year they have to face the pressure of knock out game and see if they can keep their nerve control and beat now strong team under this pressure.

# 3: Tiger XI always holds its position around same ranking. They are also finalist in the history of MDCL. They never won, but, very experienced to play playoff games. I am not sure if Captain Imran will bring some tricks to get champions title for his team this year. Time will tell.

# 2: BD Boyz showed this year an amazing performance. Captain Junak got his team players aligned to win every game and show a good team work. There are no big name in his team, but, they are performing well with consistency. This team may surprise whole MDCL if they keep their nerves in control. They do not have experience of playing playoffs before, but, they got 2nd position due to some special skills they have.

# 1: MGCC is showing what they supposed to. As a defending champions from last year, they showed that they deserve that title and again they are strong candidate to win 2016 MDCL.

In playoffs all is do or die thing. The team who handle pressure and go till the end with this attitude will win championship. Good luck to all of you. Hope you like this article. If yes then comments on it. Nothing in the world can be created without motivation and your remarks will be very helpful for my motivation to write like that and run this league. I will be back off whenever I see you guys do not need me.
Soon committee will send QF schedule with grounds and umpiring info. All teams be ready to play QF in coming Sunday 8/21/2016.
Best wishes to all…..

Hamid Iqbal for MDCL Committee

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