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12/07/2016POSTED BY Sivajee Pinnamaneni

Dear OFCL Members, 

OFCL would like to bring to your attention the "DONATE DO NOT DISCARD" initative being led by the Bright Life Foundation in support of the underprivileged kids who are housed at Sarada Nikethan, funded by Bright Life Foundation.

With the demonotizing effort currently ongoing in India, Bright Life Foundation volunteers are reaching out to all the NRIs around the Greater St. Louis Area with a request to donate any of the left over 500 or 1000 Rupee bills that you maynot have an opportunity to exchange for the NEW bills released by the Government of India. They are requesting you to provide any left over bills no matter how small the amount is, as collectively this will go a long way in helping these kids in need... Better put them to use for a good cause rather then letting this currency turn into a piece of paper that can serve no purpose.

For any questions or pick up or drop off, Please Contact: or Call any of the following volunteers:

Ram Kudaravalli : 314-417-4847 ; Srini Parvathaneni :314-799-1268 ; Veeru Vasireddy - 847-890-1324 ; Vasu Polineni : 314-484-1524
Shankar Nekkanti : 636-614-8425 ; Subba Rao Polineni : 314-517-0588 ; Radhika Jaladi : 314-514-0588 ; Usha Kolli : 314-409-4961
Ranga Suresh : 314-570-6242

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