Batter R B 4s 6s SR
Players4 Ln4 5 3 1 0 166.67
Players3 Ln3 6 2 0 1 300.00
Bowler O M R W Econ
Player1 Ln1 0.1 0 5 0 30.00
Kandappan Ramalingam 1.0 0 10 1 10.00
  • 1nb 1.2  
  • Player1 L to Players4 L, 2 runs , towards deep backward point NO BALL,EXTRA
  • 8:42 PM
  • 4 1.1  
  • Player1 L to Players4 L, 4 runs , towards deep point FOUR
  • 8:39 PM

Over 1 (10 Runs)

Players3 L6 (2)

Players4 L 1 (1)

Kandappan R1.0-0-10-1

Run Rate : 10.00




  • 0.6  
  • Kandappan R to Players3 L, 0 run
  • 8:38 PM
  • 6 0.5  
  • Kandappan R to Players3 L, 6 runs , towards deep midwicket SIX
  • 8:38 PM
  • 1R 0.4  
  • Players4 L, 1 run , to backward point
  • 8:32 PM
  • W 0.3  
  • Kandappan R to Players1 L OUT! HIT WICKET  

    Players1 Ln1  Hit Wicket Kandappan R  1 (3 balls, 0 Fours, 0 Sixers) SR 33.33

  • 8:31 PM
  • 2wd 0.3  
  • Kandappan R to Players3 L 2 WIDES
  • 8:29 PM
  • 1W 0.2  
  • Kandappan R to Players1 L, 1 run , to mid on OUT! RUN OUT  

    Players2 Ln2  run out (Player2 L/Player1 L)   0 (0 balls, 0 Fours, 0 Sixers) SR 0.00

  • 8:25 PM
  • 0.1  
  • Kandappan R to Players1 L, 0 run
  • 8:25 PM
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