Schedule: Team X Cup 2018
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Jun 2018
5:00 PM

Team X Cup 2018

Red Hawks v Mafia

League @ Manchester High School Base Ball Field       Umpires: Rangers, Rangers

Comment: The grounds can change but will notify the teams accordingly



Jun 2018
2:00 PM

Team X Cup 2018

Mafia v 11 Bulletz

League @ Manchester High School Base Ball Field       Umpires: Team X, Team X

Comment: The grounds can change but will notify the teams accordingly



Jun 2018
8:00 AM

Team X Cup 2018

Invincibles v Mafia

League @ Manchester High School Soft Ball Field       Umpires: Team X, Team X

Comment: The grounds can change but will notify the teams accordingly



Jun 2018
3:30 PM

Team X Cup 2018

Mass v Mafia

League @ Manchester High School Base Ball Field       Umpires: Manchester United, Manchester United

Comment: The grounds can change but will notify the teams accordingly

# Match Type Date Time Team 1 (Home) Team 2 Ground Umpire1 Umpire2 Scorecard
1 League 06/09/2018 5:00 PM Red Hawks Mafia Manchester High School Base Ball Field Rangers Rangers Scorecard
2 League 06/09/2018 2:00 PM Mafia 11 Bulletz Manchester High School Base Ball Field Team X Team X Scorecard
3 League 06/03/2018 8:00 AM Invincibles Mafia Manchester High School Soft Ball Field Team X Team X Scorecard
4 League 06/02/2018 3:30 PM Mass Mafia Manchester High School Base Ball Field Manchester United Manchester United Scorecard