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12/26/2018POSTED BY Akhilesh Bhale

Kellu ++
Kellu ++
Before the start of XPL tornament, played between Infobeans teams at BM Collage, Indore, 

Kellu has given an abrupt response to the International media. The international media had told Kellu the biggest villain of the tournament a few days ago. After this, when Kailash Gehlot was asked about his image in the years, he said, 'what do I do or what do I think, I will not tell the whole world that I am like this And you need to like me. Such things are out of fashion now.

On the eve of final day of participation entries, Kellu said, "I have no control over these. It is a personal choice that you want to focus on something. My focus is on the XPL match, winning XPL tornament and performing well for the team.

The XPL aspirant said that he has no information about what people are writing about him but he stressed that he respects his attitude.

He said, "All people have the right to have their own views and I fully respect it. I just want to focus on good cricket and try to win my team. "

A section of the International media introduced him as the 'villain' of the series, and even the fans' stance remained the same, but XPL coach Rahul Awasare called him a gentleman. On asking about this, Kellu said that he does not need to give any clarification to anyone about what he does.

The XPL player who made 90 runs in 5 matches last year said, "If I land for batting then Sachin will have to wait

He said, "He (Rahul Awasare) has spent enough time with me to know what kind of person I am. People who know me, you can ask them. I can not answer this question myself. '

Kellu, during his final match debate on the field with the Tantrik 11 counterpart Vishwavir, but the Smasher said that his focus was on cricket only. He said, 'This is a thing of the past. This is cricket, at the top level, when two hard teams play against each other then there are some things on the field specially if it is a Final match of the tornament. In my opinion it was a clean six and It was unfortunate that umpire ruled the decison in favour of Tantrik 11. I think he should be left there and focus on the upcoming tornament. "

This Tantrik 11 cricketer declared Kaillu the greatest cricketer on earth
Kellu said, "We were not looking for something to talk about. There is no problem till the boundary has been lifted. I'm sure Vishwaveer and I both understand what happened and do not want to do some unnecessary things. We want to lead our teams well and want to play good cricket, people who want to see. "

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