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Code of conduct
Code of conduct



                                                                   THE BRITISH COLUMBIA MAINLAND CRICKET LEAGUE

                                                                                                CODE OF CONDUCT



All players, supporters & officials participating at any event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the British Columbia Mainland Cricket League (BCMCL) or its affiliates, whether the event is at a field of play or away from it, are bound by and required to comply with all the provisions of this BCMCL Code of Conduct (Rev 2013) and the Spirit of Cricket as set out in the current Laws of Cricket.


No person bound by this Code of Conduct shall engage in disorderly conduct or improper behaviour. Disorderly conduct or improper behaviour includes, but is not restricted to, a person as follows:


  1. Assaulting, attempting to assault, or abusing, either verbally or physically, an umpire, player or spectator.
  2. Disputing, as distinct from questioning, an umpire’s decision, or reacting in an obviously provocative manner towards an umpire.
  3. Using crude or abusive language, hand signals or other gestures.
  4. Engaging in any form of conduct or behaviour detrimental to the spirit of the game or likely to bring the game or the BCMCL into disrepute.
  5. Refusing to supply a person’s name and BCMCL ID when required by a captain or official who is lodging a report.
  6. The captain of a team shall ensure that the players (including the person acting as 12th man) comply with the BCMCL Code of Conduct. The captain of a team is in breach of the Code of Conduct if a player in his team engages in continuing disorderly conduct or improper behaviour.


Vilification Code: Gender, Race, Religion

No person who is participating in a match under the jurisdiction or auspices of the British Columbia Mainland Cricket League or its affiliates shall engage in any conduct, act towards or speak to or of any other person in a manner which offends insults, humiliates or vilifies such person on the basis of gender, race, religion, colour, descent or ethnic origin.

The captain of a team shall ensure that the players (including the person acting as 12th man) comply with the BCMCL Vilification Code.


BCMCL Expectation of Participants

The BCMCL Management Committee has set down these guidelines for all players, spectators, and officials representing the BCMCL at any event, as in the above preamble.


Umpiring Decisions:

The umpire’s decision is final and should be accepted immediately, whether batting or fielding. A bowler or Captain is entitled to ask the umpire why he turned down an appeal, but should accept his explanation, if one is given, and immediately play on. The use of offensive language, generally in the form of disparaging and abusive remarks to an umpire, is not acceptable.



A batsman is expected to walk if he is in no doubt that he has been dismissed fairly, even if there are no League or Club umpires and the only umpires available are from his own team. Placing pressure on his team-mate, who is acting as umpire, can place doubt in his mind and lead to unnecessary friction between the two teams.


Upon being dismissed:

The actions of the dismissed batsmen – in failing to leave the crease promptly on being given out and then banging his bat on the ground, or throwing the bat on returning to the boundary or pavilion, including the use of audible foul language - is unacceptable.


Accept Umpires’ and Officials’ Decisions:

Traditionally cricket has been the sport to maintain and exhibit the highest levels of conduct and sportsmanship. Though it is a most competitive game, the continued strength of the sport has relied upon the acceptance of the Umpire’s decision and the preparedness to play within the “spirit of the game” – See MCC Laws.


Control Emotions:

Playing and participation in the game is for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of the other players and spectators. No verbal or equipment abuse will be tolerated.


Save Time:

When coming in to bat and between overs, avoid unnecessary conversation. Move back to your bowling mark and fielding positions without delay between deliveries. Pay attention to right-left batting combinations and anticipate changing your field positions accordingly. Play “ready-cricket”.


Respect Others:

Treat all players, spectators and property as you would like to be treated yourself. Encourage your team-mates and opposition in showing respect to the views of both sides.




  1. The BCMCL is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. This Code of Conduct incorporates the Spirit of Cricket, as set out below. It applies to all matches played under the jurisdiction of the BCMCL and shall be applied to any cricket related activity.


  1. The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the Laws (See MCC Laws of Cricket).


  1. Players and team officials must at all times accept the umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards an umpire at any time.


  1. Players and team officials shall not intimidate, assault, or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player or a spectator.


  1. Players and team officials shall not use crude and/or abusive language (known as “sledging”) nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent.


  1. Players and team officials shall not make abusive comments nor indulge in abusive actions, based on gender, race or religion, against fellow players, officials, members and supporters. Clubs must operate an active open-door membership policy whilst respecting player qualification regulations and welcome players/members irrespective of gender, race or religious origin.


  1. Players and team officials shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of performance enhancing and/or illegal substances.


  1. Clubs must take adequate steps to ensure the good behaviour of their members and supporters towards umpires, opposing players, and their supporters.




Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws, but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.

1. There are two Laws which place the responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on the captain.


  • Responsibility of captains


The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as within the Laws.


  • Player’s conduct


In the event that any player fails to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticises by word or action the decisions of an umpire, or shows dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpire and to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.


2. Fair and unfair play

According to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play. The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action where required.


3. The umpires are authorized to intervene in cases of:

  • Time wasting
  • Damaging the pitch
  • Dangerous or unfair bowling
  • Tampering with the ball
  • Any other action that they consider to be unfair


4. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for:

  • Your opponents
  • Your own captain and team
  • The role of the umpires
  • The game’s traditional values


5. It is against the Spirit of the Game:

• To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gesture

• To direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire

• To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance:

(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out

(b) to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing

(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistent clapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side


6. Violence

There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.


7. Players

Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expected to make an important contribution to this.


Application and Enforcement of the Code:


  • The Code of Conduct will serve as a guide to the BCMCL Protest and Discipline Committee in dealing with infractions.
  • The Code of Conduct is applicable to all the games played under the BCMCL banner, including League and representative games, and any other event under the jurisdiction or auspices of the BCMCL.
  • The Protest and Discipline Committee or the BCMCL Management Committee may in addition to, or as an alternative to any of the penalties, impose a period of probation not exceeding two years. Any subsequent offence committed while on probation will be dealt with more severely. A period of probation can be added to any level of offence and is entirely at the discretion of the Protest and Discipline Committee.
  • Penalties can be in the form of suspension from games, fines or both. Maximum penalties are intended to be reserved for the worst instance of a breach of the Code or when dealing with repeat offenders.
  • The period of suspension will be specified as a number of games (inclusive of life) depending on the nature and seriousness of the infraction. The suspension must be served in (or must apply to) the year in which the infraction occurred, and if not completed in a given season, must be carried over to the subsequent season(s).
  • Suspension penalties include suspension from all BCMCL matches and all BCMCL representative matches, until the period of suspension is complete.
  • Suspensions also apply to BCMCL registered players, who may be selected for inter-city or inter-provincial matches.
  • No player under probation or suspension shall hold any office in the BCMCL until after the end of the probationary or suspension period. For further clarity, any BCMCL committee member, who is suspended or otherwise placed on probation, shall not be allowed to vote on any proceedings of the management committee or any sub-committees, or any meetings of the general body.
  • Lack of knowledge of the existence of this document does not constitute an excuse for non-compliance.


OFFENCES AND PENALTIES (General Guidelines only)


Level 1 Penalty provision

Level 1 penalties will range from an official reprimand and/or a 1 game suspension.

Level 1 Offences



General Explanation





Abuse of cricket equipment or

Includes actions outside the course of normal cricket


clothing, ground equipment or

actions such as hitting or kicking the wickets and


fixtures and fittings

actions which intentionally or negligently result in



damage to advertising boards, boundary fences, or



any part of, or contents of, any building or structure at



the ground.





Show dissent at an umpire’s

  • Includes excessive, obvious disappointment with an


decision by action or verbal

umpire’s decision or with an umpire making the



decision and obvious delay in resuming play or



leaving the wicket.



  • This Rule does not prohibit the bowler involved in



the decision or a team captain from asking an



umpire to provide an explanation for a decision, or



the captain from commenting on the umpires’



performance in his Captain’s Report.





Use language that is obscene,

  • This includes swearing and offensive gestures


offensive or insulting and/or

which are not directed at another person such as


the making of an obscene

swearing in frustration at one’s own poor play or






  • The extent to which such behaviour is likely to give



offence shall be taken into account when assessing



the seriousness of the breach.





Engaging in excessive

Excessive shall mean repeated appealing when the



bowler/fielder knows the batsman is not out, with the



intention of placing the umpire under pressure. It is not



intended to prevent loud or enthusiastic appealing.



However, the practice of celebrating or assuming a



dismissal before the decision has been given, may also



come within this Rule.







General Explanation






Point or gesture towards the

Includes charging or running up to the batsman and


pavilion in an aggressive

getting “in his face”.


manner, or behave




aggressively or derisively




towards either batsman, upon




the dismissal of a batsman











Level 2 Penalty provision

Level 2 penalties will range from a 1 game suspension to a 3 game suspension.

Level 2 Offences



General Explanation


Repeat of any Level 1 Offence

Self explanatory


within 12 months






Show serious dissent at an

  • Dissent should be classified as serious where the


umpire’s decision by action or

dissent is expressed by a specific action such as the


verbal abuse

shaking of the head, snatching cap from umpire,



pointing at pad or inside edge, other displays of



anger or abusive language directed at the umpire or



excessive delay in resuming play or leaving the






  • This Rule does not prohibit the bowler involved in the



decision or a team captain from asking an umpire to



provide an explanation for a decision, or the Captain



commenting on the umpires’ performance in his



Captain’s Report.





Engage in inappropriate and

Without limitation, players will breach this regulation if


deliberate physical contact

they deliberately walk or run into or shoulder another


with other players or officials

player, official or match official.


in the course of play.






Charge or advance towards

Self explanatory.


the umpire in an aggressive



manner when appealing








General Explanation






Deliberately and maliciously

  • This does not replace Law 42 (4) and (5) of the Laws


distract or obstruct another

of Cricket.


player or official on the field of

  • Without limitation, players will breach this rule if they



deliberately attempt to distract a striker by words or



gestures or deliberately shepherd a batsman while



running or attempting to run between wickets.






Throw the ball at or near a

This Rule will not prohibit a fielder or bowler from


player or official in an

returning the ball to the stumps in the normal fashion.


inappropriate and/or dangerous












Use language that is obscene,

This refers to language or gestures which are directed


offensive or of a seriously

at another person. See comments under Rule 1.3


insulting nature to another

above in relation to the seriousness of the breach.


player, match official, official or












Public criticism of, or

This would include comments made by players or


inappropriate comment on a

spectators before, during or after a match.


match related incident or match












Change the condition of the ball

Prohibited behaviour includes picking the seam or


in breach of Law 42.3

deliberately throwing the ball into ground for the



purpose of roughening it up and the application of



moisture to the ball, save for perspiration and saliva.






Attempt to manipulate a match

Prohibited conduct under this rule will include incidents


in regard to the result, net run

where a team bats in such a way as to either adversely


rate, performance points or

affect its own, or improve its opponent’s performance


otherwise. The captain of any

points or net run rate.


team guilty of such conduct




shall be held responsible.












Level 3 Penalty provision

Penalties for Level 3 offences will range from a 3 game suspension to an 8 game suspension

Level 3 Offences



General Explanation






Repeat of any Level 2

Self explanatory.


Offence within 12 months.








Intimidate an umpire or

Includes appealing in an aggressive or threatening


referee, whether by language



or conduct








Threaten to assault another

Self explanatory.


player, team official or












Use language or gestures that

Self explanatory.


offend, insult, humiliate,




intimidate, threaten,




disparage or vilify another




person on the basis of that




person’s gender, race,




religion, colour, descent,




national or ethnic origin








Any disorderly conduct or

Self explanatory.


inappropriate behavior at an




event under the jurisdiction or




auspices of the BCMCL.












Level 4 Penalty provision

Penalties for Level 4 Offences will range from a 6 game suspension to a life ban

Level 4 Offences


Repeat of any Level 2

Self explanatory.


Offence within 12 months.






Threaten to assault an umpire

Self explanatory.


or referee.






Physically assault another

Self explanatory.


player, umpire, referee,



official or spectator.






Engage in any act of violence

Self explanatory.


on the field of play.






Use language or gestures that

Self explanatory.


seriously offends, insults,



humiliates, intimidates,



threatens, disparages or



vilifies another person on the



basis of that person’s gender,



race, religion, colour, descent,



national or ethnic origin






Engage in any act of physical

Self explanatory.


violence at an event under the



jurisdiction or auspices of the









DEFINITIONS: The ‘course of play’ & ‘match’ shall include preparation before play, after play & at the field/park location. ‘Match officials’ shall include umpires & scorers. ‘Event’ shall include meetings & functions.



The penalties shall apply for all formats of the game – the number of games referred above is regular season games. One (1) regular season game shall be the equivalent of two (2) T20 games.


The above penalties are provided as a general guideline. Depending on the circumstances of each infraction, the Protest and Disciplinary Committee may impose penalties that are in variance with the above guidelines.