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12/04/2015POSTED BY Cricclubs Admin


Hi all,

First thank you all for your cooperation in managing the todays situation.  It was unfortunate that day had to end early. However, I hope you enjoyed the cricket. Considering that there is a rain forecast for tomorrow as well, our plan is to complete quarter-final games tomorrow as early as possible:
1. Todays unfinished games will be replayed tomorrow at the same grounds to determine the team for pre-quarter-final matches. with same format 6 over games. 
2. There will be 20 minutes breaks 
3. 1st pre-quarter-final game schedule will start 2 PM if there is no delays. 
4. Pre-quarter-final games will likely be 6 overs matches.
5. Quarter-final games will be played in the evening. Our priority is to play 20 overs matches but due to weather conditions it may be reduce to 15, 10 or 6 overs depends on weather conditions at that time and available time.  
6. Semi-final and final will be held on Sunday.
We are requesting all teams to arrive at your ground 30 minutes before your game time and stay there till your last games is completed as there is a possibility that your game may start early if other game is completed early.
Following is the schedule for remain games which were not completed today. Pre-quarter-final schedule will be distributed and published after the preliminary rounds are completed.  

Schedule on CricClubs:
Sincerely yours,
Shah Zafar

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