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Batter R B 4s 6s SR
Chris (3) Britz 16 16 0 1 100.00
Heinrigh (4) Pieterse 0 1 0 0 0.00
Bowler O M R W Econ
Mark 7 Amm 1.0 0 5 0 5.00
Bavu 11 Manyakanyaka 1.0 0 12 0 12.00
  • Mark 7 Amm, comes into the attack
  • 09:50 AM

Over 3 (16 Runs)

Heinrigh (4) 0 (1)

Chris (3) B 16 (16)

Bavu 11 M1.0-0-12-0

Run Rate : 9.67


NWU Potch 1st XI 2022


  • 2.6  
  • Bavu 11 M to Heinrigh (4) P, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1P 2.6  
  • Bavu 11 M to Heinrigh (4) P, 1 run PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • Heinrigh (4) Pieterse, comes to the crease.
    MAT:6 | RUNS:75 | AVG:18.8 | HR:48
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1W 2.5  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 1 run OUT! NOT OUT 

    Chris (3) Britz  not out  16 (16 balls, 0 Fours, 1 Sixers) SR 100.00

  • 09:50 AM
  • -10P 2.5  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • 6 2.4  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 6 runs SIX
  • 09:50 AM
  • 6P 2.4  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 6 runs PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • 2.3  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 2 2.2  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 2 runs
  • 09:50 AM
  • 2P 2.2  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 2 runs PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • 2.1  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1nb 2.1  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 2 runs NO BALL
  • 09:50 AM
  • 4P 2.1  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 4 runs PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1wd 2.1  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B WIDE
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1P 2.1  
  • Bavu 11 M to Chris (3) B, 1 run PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • Powerplus
  • 09:50 AM
  • Bavu 11 Manyakanyaka, comes into the attack
  • 09:50 AM
  • PowerPlus
  • 09:50 AM

Over 2 (9 Runs)

Chris (3) B6 (10)

Eben (1) B 0 (0)

Mark 7 A1.0-0-5-0

Run Rate : 6.50


NWU Potch 1st XI 2022


  • 2 1.4  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B, 2 runs
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1.3  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1.2  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 2wd 1.2  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B 2 WIDES
  • 09:50 AM
  • 3P 1.2  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B, 3 runs PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1wd 1.2  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B WIDE
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1P 1.2  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B, 1 run PENALTY
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1.1  
  • Mark 7 A to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • Mark 7 Amm, comes into the attack
  • 09:50 AM

Over 1 (4 Runs)

Chris (3) B4 (6)

Eben (1) B 0 (0)

Christopher 11.0-0-4-0

Run Rate : 4.00


NWU Potch 1st XI 2022


  • 0.6  
  • Christopher 10 G to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 0.5  
  • Christopher 10 G to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1 0.4  
  • Christopher 10 G to Chris (3) B, 1 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 2 0.3  
  • Christopher 10 G to Chris (3) B, 2 runs
  • 09:50 AM
  • 1 0.2  
  • Christopher 10 G to Chris (3) B, 1 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • 0.1  
  • Christopher 10 G to Chris (3) B, 0 run
  • 09:50 AM
  • Bavu 11 Manyakanyaka, comes into the attack
  • 09:50 AM
  • Chris (3) Britz, comes to the crease.
  • 09:50 AM
  • Chris (3) Britz, comes to the crease.
  • 09:50 AM
  • Madibaz 1st XI 2022 won the toss and elected to bowl
  • 09:13 AM
  • NWU Potch 1st XI 2022 Players: Bj (15) Malamba, Caleb (9) Seleka, Chris (3) Britz, Connor (11) De Boer, Danfred (16) Sefoor, Eben (1) Botha, Edumisa (8) Dlulemnyango, Gerhardus (14) Fourie, Hardus (7) Coetzer, Heinrigh (4) Pieterse, Jared (12) Fuchs
  • 09:41 AM
  • Madibaz 1st XI 2022 Players: Bavu 11 Manyakanyaka, Brian 8 Jack, Christopher 10 Gleaves, Elih 1 Thorne, Erasmus 6 Pretorius, Ethan 13 Frosler, Ian 9 Baard, Mark 7 Amm, Matthew 5 Biggs, Mbasa 4 Sipunzi, Mihle 2 Dingiswayo
  • 09:41 AM
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