Article - CTCL February 2018 Newsletter
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CTCL February 2018 Newsletter

Arun Reddy (

CTCL February 2018 Newsletter


Monthly Newsletter

Guru Krish (President)
We are super excited to share our team progress in the last 2 months. We walked you through our 1st 50 days achievements and CTCL Mission in the captains meeting. I would like to thank my CTCL EC team for successfully starting the 2018 T35 Premier League. I also like to thank BOD for being very supportive in our plans. We would like to sincerely thank all club presidents, captains, members and seniors in being supportive of our mission.
Youth League: Did you know we have 25 young kids (11 yrs - 15 yrs) interested in participating our CTCL Youth League?. Humayun (BOD), Zubair, Santosh and Guru have been brainstorming on how to implement our CTCL Youth Mission. We are in the process of finalizing the schedule and plan to kick off our CTCL YOUTH league with a practice game on March 11th. Please support & encourage our wonderful youth talent. We thank ALL parents for their support and valuable feedbacks.
Rohan Munshi (Vice President)
AI am very excited to be part of CTCL campaign this season and wishing all the best to all the teams for upcoming T35 tournament.  At the start of the season we had a very successful Umpiring clinic, we had a great participation with over 30 Members from all the teams joined us for a great session. I am really thankful to our BoD Brian Walters for conducting such an informative session, and congratulate all 31 Level 1 Certified Umpires. Captains can check the list of certified umpires on CTCL website.
As the season is progressing further we are now focusing on making Cricket More competitive in Central Texas by inviting teams from Houston and Dallas to take part in “Texas Cup”. We will publish the Selection Committee as well as qualifying criteria pretty soon on CTCL communications. If you or any of the club members are interested for any volunteering opportunity or be part of “Texas Cup” let me know, I will be happy to help. Thank You.
Ravi Chavali (League Director), Arun Reddy (Website Director)
Thank you for the great feedbacks on the new website (, hope everyone is getting used to the online scoring. 2018 T35 Premier Season started on scheduled date of 2/10. We had few rain washout games but had glimpses of the wonderful performances we expect to see going forward. Oli Bhuiyan, Abid Maknojia and Majid Zubair lead the batting charts.Majid Zubair, Awais Mubarak and Vishwanath Mulukutla lead the bowling charts. Overall, the top three players end of February are Majid Zubair, Basit Zubair and Shareef Shaik. Again congratulations to all the Top performers and winning teams at the start of the season and hoping that weather gods will be generous to us to give us perfect weather to play Cricket.
We are focussed on increasing our team participation in our T20 Champions Tournament (look out for exciting updates). Brian (BOD) have created the CTCL Youtube channel and looking for video content. We request you to send us videos (90 seconds to 2 mins) of player scoring winning runs, scoring 100, 5 wickets, any exciting game play and email it to Thank You.
Gohar Tareen (Secretary)
Honored to be part of 2018 EC Team as I can see all the hard work that has been put into the 2018 season. We are focusing a lot on promoting cricket in Austin and have come up with a strategy to involve as many new and old faces we can to grow cricket in Austin. We have a Charity Cricket Tournament in pipeline this year which will involve our local school community with conjunction with CTCL to create a short format tournament on school grounds.Our goal is to raise funds for a non profit, showcase cricket to community and boost CTCL community involvement with this tournament. Hopefully such measures on our end will help in spreading the word around that cricket exists and is ready to grow in Austin. Please feel free to reach out to us with your ideas and suggestions as every bit of help counts and we all need to do out part to make sure our beloved sport flourishes in ATX and USA.
Bharadwaj Ramanujam (Treasurer)
Finance team created a new CTCL back account and started issuing receipts for the T35 league fees. If you haven't received your T35, T20 receipts please contact me. I am working with Majad (BOD) to understand the status of the old CTCL account and will provide more updates in the next newsletter.
We are looking for few folks to join our Ground Infrastructure committee. Primary goal of this committee is to set standards, address ground concerns and make improvements. Thank you everyone for paying the dues on time.
Humayun Bashir, Brian Walters, Majad Ahmad (BOD)

The first two months of this year have been very eventful, with several encouraging positives, and a few challenges to navigate.

Our positives include:
●     An energetic new executive committee that has hit the ground running, working hard to ensure that CTCL becomes one of the premier leagues in the country.
●     Excitingly, a nascent youth cricket league that will provide young cricketers in the Austin area with the opportunity to improve their games under the tutelage of some of the most talented players and coaches in CTCL’s history.
●     Changes to the uniforms, as well as the formats of games played, that provide excitement for all of the teams in the league.
On the other hand, we have had a few challenges that have materially, if only temporarily, impacted our strategic direction in the near future. This has included:
●     Understanding how to address the differences in strategic vision between the BOD and one of our most prominent clubs in the league’s history, and mitigating the effects of that difference such that we continue to promote cricket in the region.
●     Effectively transitioning the finances from the old executive committee to the new.

These challenges have resulted in the BOD making several changes to our internal processes- changes that will ultimately enhance our efforts to unify the cricket community, and to continue to grow the sport in Austin.

We remain excited about our ongoing formulation of a strategy to promote youth cricket in this region, which includes leveraging our contacts with local schools and other local sporting organizations, and indulging in activities specifically designed to increase the number of playing youth (such as a future summer camp).

We look forward to updating the community as our efforts continue to bear fruit, and are grateful to you all for the support that we continue to receive.

Please share your feedback, comments and reach out to us if you are interested in being part of CTCL. Thank You.

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