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Article - FAQ: How to log-in and use NCCA website?
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FAQ: How to log-in and use NCCA website?

Anuj Patel (

FAQ: How to log-in and use NCCA website?

When you visit , you will have an option to login (by clicking "Login" menu in red bar at top) to see player information, team information and league information. Use various Menu options to browse specific information
Home Menu: Homepage shows various details like Points Table, Quick Stats, Site News, NCCA Facebook page feed, Gallery, Live matches links, results and schedule tab etc.

Statistics: You can see various statistics by series, division, teams. It defaults to current series but will allow you to filter down to specific series, division, teams.

Matches: You can see results or schedule by series, division, teams. It defaults to current series but will allow you to filter down to specific series, division, teams

League Menu: League menu will show you various submenu items to gather information like Facts about NCCA, location of grounds, NCCA specific documents, link to NCCA forum, Current Board of Directors, Executives, various committee members etc.

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