

SCCL-15 (2024)
Rule Book
Organized by SHARKS




1.        About the SCCL League  2

1.1.         Organizers  2

1.2.         Prizes and Trophies  2

1.3.         Format and Qualifying  3

1.4.         Schedule and Rain rule  3

1.5.         Pre-Quarterfinal (Eliminators) 4

1.6.         Quarterfinal, Semis and Final 4

1.7.         Forfeit / Match Cancellation  5

1.8.         Match rules  5

2.        Scoring  6

3.        Umpiring  6

4.        Home/Away Games and Ground Rules  7

5.        Wides, No Balls and Mankading (Non-striker run out) 7

6.        Net Run Rate  8

7.        Tie & Super Over rules  8

8.        Roster freeze, Team Roster, and Player Transfer  9

9.        Code of Conduct/ Discipline /Behaviour Expectations  9

10.     Disclaimer  10



















  1. About the SCCL League

This is the 15th edition of the hard tennis ball league and Sharks are excited to organize this edition. This SSCL league is run by the captains on a week-to-week basis, and the coordination between the two team captains is essential to the success of this league. So, please be cordial and accommodating of the requests made by the captains. As it starts with the captain setting an example to the team, please ensure that there are no untoward events on and off the cricket field. Afterall, we are spending precious time away from family, so let’s make it fun filled and yet playing competitive and fair cricket.


This edition has 26 teams playing a total of 156 league games before the playoffs, spanning over 13 weekends. This rule book is outlining the rules that most of us are aware of but documented in case if anyone feels the need to refer to a rule.  We have amended some of the rules to suit the baseball fields that we play in, but in general any rule that is not explicitly stated here will refer to the well-known ICC rules. Most of the rules have been carried forward from the previous edition, but there are some important changes that we feel will add more fairness to the game. With that said, we hope that all the players make new friends and cherish the existing ones. Good luck to all teams!


1.1. Organizers

  • Organizers decision will be final if there is any conflict in the match.
  • Organizers decision will be final if any teams come up with any conflicts with the rules in the rule book.

1.2. Prizes and Trophies

  • Finals
      • Champions - Winner’s trophy, $1200 cash prize
          • Individual medals for the playing 11
      • Runners Up - Runners Up trophy, $750 cash prize
          • Individual medals for the playing 11

-    Semi-finalists will be awarded $375 cash prize each.

  • Quarterfinalists will be awarded $150 cash prize each.
  • Man of the match trophy for every completed match.


  • Individual Awards – Based on the performance at the end of the league matches.
    • Man of the series – Trophy and gift card (TBD)
    • Best Batsman – Trophy and gift card. (TBD)
    • Best Bowler – Trophy and gift card. (TBD)
    • Best Wicket Keeper – Trophy and gift card. (TBD)
    • Best Fielder – Trophy and gift card. (TBD)
    • Scoring 75+ runs in a match – Trophy
    • Taking 5 wickets in a match – Trophy






  • Team Award
    • Fair Play Award – Trophy & a gift card (TBD).


Criteria for Selecting the team for Fair Play award:

      • Each team Captain should provide the fair play points for the opponent team to the organizers by end of every match.
      • A team can be awarded a total of 10 points per match.
      • Out of which, 4 points are given on the basis of how the team has adhered to the “Spirit of the game” in the opinion of the umpires.
      • 2 points are given on the respect towards the opposition team & players.
      • 2 points are given for following the laws of cricket, this includes respect the decision given by the umpires.
      • 1 point for starting the match on time.
      • 1 point for the hospitality provided by the home team.


*** Please note that the prize money for each award category will be decided during the Playoffs based on the remaining purse amount.


1.3. Format and Qualifying

- There are 26 teams participating in the league, split into 2 groups of 13 teams.  

- Each team will play 12 games in the group stage.  

- 14 teams opted to play on Saturday and 12 teams to play on Sunday. To make it balance, one team from Saturday group will be virtually moved to Sunday group and all the matches for that team will be scheduled on Saturday. Which means, the teams from Sunday group will end up playing only one match on Saturday.

- Points awarded:

o Win = 2 points

o Tie / No Result = 1 point o Loss = 0 points

- The ranking will be based on:

o The team with most points will be placed higher in the ranking.

o If equal on points, the team with most wins will be placed higher.

o If equal on points and wins, the team with a higher NRR will be placed higher.

o If still equal, the team which won the head-to-head match will be placed higher.


1.4. Schedule and Rain rule

  • Matches should be played and completed by the scheduled weekend.
  • The teams will usually play only one game on their preferred day (Saturday or Sunday).
  • Rescheduling Sunday's match to Saturday or viceversa for weather related reasons, will be allowed, only if both teams mutually agree. The organizers MUST be notified of the change in schedule by Friday of that weekend.
  • There will be one reserved weekend at the end of the league stage. The matches cancelled/not played only due to weather conditions can be played during that weekend.
  • Only the first two matches/team cancelled due to weather conditions can be rescheduled to play on the reserved weekend. If there are more than 2 matches cancelled due to that, each team will be awarded one point each for the number of matches cancelled.
  • All league games must be completed by May 4/5 weekend (Including the reserved week)
    • If rain stops play in between, the teams are allowed to wait for an hour maximum to see if the situation improves for continuation of play, beyond which the match is considered washed-out and the reserved week rule comes into play.  
    • The matches that split points will not be considered for NRR calculations.
  • If a team cannot play on a scheduled day of a given weekend, then the team that can play will be awarded 2 points. The forfeited team’s standings will follow the Forfeit / Match Cancellation rules outlined below.  
  • If a team that potentially qualifies for playoffs forfeits a match deliberately towards the end of the league stage (any of their last three matches), then they will be placed at the bottom of the eliminator standings (rank 6) for playoff qualifications.
  • If a team cannot play a match, they should notify the organizers/opponent team at least 4 days in advance respect to the scheduled date. The team will be penalized an amount of $35 for any last-minute cancellation. The penalty amount will be given to the opponent team if there is a fee for the field reservation. Otherwise, it will be added to the prize money.
  • Schedules are prepared by accommodating the requests from all the teams. So, all the teams MUST stick to the schedule.


1.5. Pre-Quarterfinal (Eliminators)

  • After the completion of the league stage, the top 2 teams from each group will directly qualify for the Quarter Finals (Q1 & Q2). The next 4 teams (Rank 3- 6) shall compete within their group in the Pre-Quarterfinals of the league to decide the remaining Quarterfinalists.
  • The Pre-Quarterfinal games will be played as below:

o Team #3 vs Team #6 → Winner will qualify as Q3

Team #3 will be the Home Team

o Team #4 vs Team #5 → Winner will qualify as Q4

Team #4 will be the Home Team



1.6. Quarterfinal, Semis and Final

- The Quarterfinal games will be played as below:

    • Q1(A) vs Q4(B) → Winner will qualify as SF1
    • Q4(A) vs Q1(B) → Winner will qualify as SF2
    • Q2(A) vs Q3(B) → Winner will qualify as SF3
    • Q3(A) vs Q2(B) → Winner will qualify as SF4

- The Semifinal games will be played as below:

    • SF1 vs SF4 and SF2 vs SF3

- The winners of the semifinal matches will play the Final match for League Championship.





1.7. Forfeit / Match Cancellation

  • Team that forfeits the match while opponents are on the ground or are ready to play, will face a 0.5 reduction in NRR and a fine of $35.  
  • The opponents will be awarded 2 Points with 0 NRR.
  • If a match is forfeited/cancelled by giving 4-day advanced notice to the opponents, then there is no penalty. Opponents gets 2 points with 0 NRR.


1.8. Match rules

  • 20 overs per match (4 overs maximum per bowler)
  • For truncated matches reduced to 16 overs or less, the max over limit per bowler is 25% of the overs for the inning, illustrated as below:

                                          ▪ For a 12 over match, 2 bowlers will bowl 3 overs, rest will bowl 2 overs max

                            ▪ For a 16 over match, 3 bowlers will bowl 4 overs, rest will bowl 2 overs max

- Power play and fielding restrictions apply for every match.

    • Power play #1

                                                            ▪     Overs 1 - 3, Mandatory

                                                            ▪     Only 2 fielders allowed outside the 30 yards circle.

    • Power play #2

▪   Can be claimed by the batting team at the end of 12th over of the innings for 3 consecutive overs.

▪   Overs 15 - 17, Mandatory, if not claimed earlier by the batting team

▪   Only 3 fielders allowed outside the 30 yards circle.

    • A maximum of 5 players can field on the Leg side of the wicket.  

                                                            ▪     Bowler and Keeper are not included in these 5 max players.

▪     Umpire shall call No-ball if the fielding team fails to comply with the max 5 fielders outside the circle rule. NO FREE HIT will be awarded

    • Non-Power Play overs:

▪     Max 5 fielders are allowed outside the 30 yards circle. There’s no limit for the fielders inside the circle.

▪     Umpire shall call No-ball if the fielding team fails to comply with the max 5 fielders outside the circle rule. NO FREE HIT will be awarded

  •  Minimum 7 players required for starting and playing the match. If a team cannot field the 7

players, then the other team will be awarded 2 points. If a match starts with 7 players and the rest          of players join after, then they can take the field after the first power play. Bowler sitting out rule still applies for a bowler who is late to the match.

  • Super Over for EVERY tied match MUST be played. See Super Over Rules section for details.
  • Dew Factor: If a ball gets wet/dirty and it gets difficult to see, then batting team can ask to      change the ball.
    • Ball should be similar condition and can be changed after 8 over and before 12th over.
    • If the ball is not changed after 11 overs, then batting team can no longer request to change the ball.  
    • We request all teams to keep the balls ready from previous SCCL matches. 


  • Substitute player/runner:
    • Runner will not be allowed. If a player is injured before the game, then we advise you don't play him.  If opposite captain is nice enough to allow you a runner during the league game, then go ahead.
    • During the playoffs, no runner will be allowed. No exceptions to this rule. 
    • One substitute fielder allowed only at a time during league games and playoffs.
    • Bowler sitting out – number of overs he's out, those many overs he can't bowl after coming back.
    • A player in the playing 11 needs to take the field for at least 6 overs in order for his batting (runs) to be counted. On field injuries are an exception. Any violation of this rule will result in the reduction of runs for the team and may result in the loss for that team.


  1. Scoring

Scoring will be done using the CricClubs App. Captains are expected to assign a team scorer for scoring during the team batting.

- Team batting is responsible for scoring using the CricClubs App for their respective innings.

- Most of the teams have used the CricClubs app for scoring in the leagues. Teams who are new to CricClubs app are encouraged to view the following YouTube video to familiarize with App scoring (

- Scoring should be done only using the CricClubs app. So, request all the captains to have the latest version of this app installed on your phone.

- In case if there are any issues during the match in the CricClubs App:

o Score Sheet should be used by both the teams and continue scoring on the sheet.

o It’s winning team’s responsibility to update scorecard manually on the website by Tuesday of that week.

o Fill all the possible information in the scorecard clearly.

                                                            ▪     Balls played, runs scored, dismissal, bowler, fielder

                                                            ▪     Wides, No Ball and Byes

                                                            ▪     Total overs, runs per over, etc

▪     Fill in the info related to ground, team name, results. Do not leave anything blank or put NA if not applicable.

    • Clearly mention the man of the match for each match on the scorecard.
  1. Umpiring

During league matches and Pre-Quarterfinals, umpiring will be done by the batting team for each match.

o Main umpire CAN override any decisions made by leg umpire.

  • For Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Final, the organizers will book the fields and assign neutral umpires to best of their ability.  

o the decision of the On-Field Umpires is FINAL and no arguments will be entertained o please note that the decision is based on the information available to them at that moment.

o they are not invested in the result of the game being officiated.

- The organizers reserve the right to apply disciplinary action as deemed necessary.  

  • The participating captains/players are expected to abide by the rules and the code of conduct.
  1. Home/Away Games and Ground Rules
  • Every team needs to have their own home ground (baseball ground).
  • Every team will be playing near half of their matches on their home ground and rest on the

opponents’ home ground.

  • Home Team will provide water and basic snacks (like fruits, etc.) to the opponent Team.  
  • Home team to prepare pitch, 30 yards markers and the boundary lines for their home match:
    • Boundary line must be between 155-160 feet from the middle of the pitch.  
    • Length between the wickets to be 62 or 63 feet.
  • The games must start within a maximum of 30 minutes from the scheduled start time, or a start time mutually agreed upon by both the team captains.  

o If the game start time is changed at the away team’s request, it is then expected of it to cooperate in case of delays due to ground issues.

o The idea is being able to complete a game, rather than look for a way to score 2 points due to ground unavailability.

  • If the home team is not able to secure a ground for the match, an alternate ground can be used to continue to match.
  • Delays in finding an alternate ground should not exceed more than 60 minutes from the mutually agreed start time.
  • In case if you are not able to secure an alternate ground within 60 minutes, 2 points will be awarded to the away team and NRR will be zero for that match. It is left to the away team’s captain to allow for more time in the spirit of the game.
  • If the ground is changed before completion of 5 overs of the first innings, a fresh match can be started, if both teams agree. If the ground change happens after 5th over of the first innings, then the match will continue from where it stopped, on the new ground.
  • If the ground has been secured, and a team (home or visiting) arrives late, then following penalty can be assessed by opposing team. Remember, game can be started with 7 players only to avoid the penalties.

o If the game doesn’t start by 30 mins after the scheduled time, then team that is late can be docked 2 overs as penalty. 

o After first 30 minutes, the team can dock 1 over for every 5 minutes. 

    • If the opposing team doesn’t want to penalize the late coming team, then that is entirely their choice.
  1. Wides, No Balls and Mankading (Non-striker run out)

o One bat from the OFF stump. Since there is no LBW, it is unfair to the bowlers if we keep the wide line unmoved when the batsman moves. It is umpires call when the batsman moves.

o On the line will NOT be a WIDE. Wide marker/cone will be outside the line.

o Over the shoulder delivery will count as a WIDE

                                                            ▪     if the batsman does not touch the ball with the bat or body

                                                            ▪     It will be considered a legal delivery if the batsman touches it            

o   The side crease will be one and half bats (one full bat and a handle of any normal bat) measured from the side of the stump.

o It will be a NO BALL and a FREE HIT will be awarded for the next ball, if

                                                            ▪     Bowler’s back leg cuts or lands outside the side- line

▪ Bowler’s front leg lands outside the front line

o    It will be a NO BALL if

                                                            ▪     Bowler’s delivery is above the waist of the batsman.

▪    No Free hit will be awarded.

o    It is the Umpire's responsibility to call the guard (ask for the bowler's style and side of bowling) and convey it to the batsman.

                                                            ▪     It is NOT a NO BALL if the umpire fails to do so.


o Mankading is allowed and no warning is needed. We will follow ICC’s rule for this. It is non striker’s responsibility to stay inside the crease until ball is bowled. It’s up to the bowling team’s captain to reverse the decision on fair-play grounds. 

o If bowler’s arm goes past the vertical line, then non-striker can’t be run out. See below picture of a not out given. 




  1. Net Run Rate

The team’s standings are calculated based on the net run rate.

NRR = [(Total runs scored) / (Total overs faced)] – [(Total runs conceded) / (total overs bowled)] -          If a team is bowled out before the allotted number of overs, full quota of overs is used.

  • If a match is abandoned as a No Result, none of the runs scored or overs bowled count towards this calculation.
  • If a match has revised targets, then, the revised numbers are used for NRR calculation.


  1. Tie & Super Over rules

For every tie game, the teams will play a Super Over, the rules for which are as below:

  • One over per side eliminator will take place on the same day of the match 10-15 minutes after the game is tied.
  • Prior to the commencement of super over, each team elects three batsmen and one bowler and nominated players are given in writing to Umpires.
  • The team that batted in the 2nd inning will bat first in the super over match.
  • The same ball (or a ball of a similar age if the original ball is out of shape) as used at the end of the team’s innings shall be used for the “extra” over.
  • The loss of two wickets in the over ends the team’s one over innings.
  • In the event of the teams having the same score after super over (tied) has been completed, another super over will be played until a result is achieved.  


  1. Roster freeze, Team Roster, and Player Transfer
  • Individuals cannot play for two different teams.  
  • Each team’s captain/vice-captain/team-admin to ensure that all the players’ first and last names

(INITIALS ARE NOT ALLOWED) are correct in the Roster before the start of the first league match.  

  • NO GENERIC LAST NAMES (e.g:- cricket, team’s name as the last name, etc.) will be allowed. A player will NOT be allowed to play if the opposing captain raises an objection, even if the player has played all the SCCL seasons.
  • Player can switch teams only once. This can happen before the start of a team’s 5th match.
  • Roster will freeze on Monday after the team’s 6th match. No player transfer will be allowed after that. Even a new player that hasn’t played for other teams will not be allowed to join the team.
  • An individual must play at least 3 matches with the current team to be able to play in the playoffs. This includes the eliminators as well as this is being played against the teams from the same group.
  • If a player joins a new team after playing a few games with another team, then this player must play 3 games with a new team to qualify for the playoffs.  
  1. Code of Conduct/ Discipline /Behaviour Expectations

- The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend the Rules at any time, without notice, if it considers such action to be in the best interests of the competition.  

- Everyone should follow the rules and regulations and appropriate conduct on the field.

- We encourage the participating teams to play in line with the laws and spirit of the game. Sledging is strictly prohibited.

- Umpire’s decisions are final during the game. Arguing or intimidating the umpire is NOT ACCEPTABLE and could lead to suspension of player(s) and team(s).

    • In case the match is abandoned for conflicts arising out of umpiring decisions or for any other reasons -

                                                            ▪     both teams will get 0 points each

                                                            ▪     The match will NOT be considered for NRR calculations

- Organizers and the Organizing Committee holds the right to cancel any team for misconduct

o It is the team captain’s responsibility to diffuse any situation arising out of player misconduct and continue with the match within a reasonable amount of time.

    • Any physical or verbal (direct or implied) attack by a player(s) against,

                                                            ▪     The umpire

                                                            ▪     Other fellow cricketers or spectators

                                                            ▪     The stumps, ball or other cricket gear.

                                            will not be tolerated and is strictly prohibited.

o   In case of a player misconduct, the player(s) and/or team(s) involved will be penalized, by means of -

                                                            ▪     minimum 2 game suspension for all the players involved.

                                                            ▪     up to $100 fine, for the team(s) involved.

                                                            ▪     cancellation of the team registration from the league

                                                            ▪     No future participation of the player(s) and/or team(s) in the SCCL, OR

▪     All of the above, based on the situation, and the organizer’s decision will be final.

o   If the match is abandoned due to misconduct -

                                                            ▪     both the teams will get 0 points and

                                                            ▪     The match will NOT be considered for NRR calculations.

  1. Disclaimer
  • Organizers are not responsible in any form or manner for anyone getting injured or property damaged. 
  • Teams and/or individuals are responsible for their own safety and the safety of others on or off the field.