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10/22/2018Posted by Saint Jo Admin

Congratulations to all the teams/individuals who have received the following awards for their exceptional performance during SJCL-2018. Thank you to all the captains, players and volunteers for helpi[...]

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10/23/2017Posted by Saint Jo Admin

 Congratulations to all the teams/individuals who have received the following awards for their exceptional performance during SJCL-2017. Thanks for all the captains, players and volunteers for h[...]

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09/30/2016Posted by Saint Jo Admin

Congratulations to all the teams/individuals who have received the following awards for their exceptional performance during SJCL-2016. Thanks for all the captains, players and volunteers for helping[...]

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09/20/2016Posted by Saint Jo Admin

Saint Joe Cricket League --- Tournament Final 2016. On behalf of saint joseph cricket league, it is our pleasure to extend the invitation to our sports event final game. The event is to celebrate &a[...]

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04/27/2016Posted by Saint Jo Admin

2016-04-27: List Of Trophies  1   Man of Match Every Match 2   MOM - Knockouts   3   Best Player - Knockouts [...]

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