News - UofT Cricket Board
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UofT Cricket Board

06/10/2021POSTED BY Avee Gandhi

UofT Cricket Board

The UTSC Cricket Club has crossed a milestone today. The UTSC Cricket Club - UCC and The UTSG Cricket Club would like to announce the formation of an all UofT Cricket Board. This board shall be a union constructed of all Cricket Clubs at UofT. The Board shall be led by representatives from each club. These representatives are to be Directors of the UCB’s Board of Directors.

The UCB shall oversee:
- UofT Cricket TriCampus Tournaments
- External communications with all Cricket Organization Bodies outside UofT (ex. Canadian College Cricket)
- Internal communication with UofT Athletics Departments in context of Cricket expansion and infrastructure at UofT
- Storage of database from all Cricket Clubs at UofT
- Management of a Uniform website for all cricket clubs at UofT. (

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