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Revised February 10th, 2019

In these By-Laws,
(a) "Accredited" means any person, official recognized or authorized;
(b) "Annual General Meeting" means any meeting held once annually at a designated place and time to conduct the affairs of the League;
(c) "Applicant" means any person, team or club who files a written request to the League or its Executive Members;
(d) "Attributes" means a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of a person;
(e) "Auditor" means an individual whose job it is to carefully check the accuracy of business records;
(f) "Board of Directors (BOD)" means the Accredited Delegates of each full member Club present in all league meetings who are eligible to vote;
(g) "Bylaws" means the written rules adopted by and enforced by the Calgary & District Cricket League for its operation which may be amended from time to time;
(h) "C&DCL" means the Calgary & District Cricket League;
(i) "C&DCL Website" means the website maintained by the C&DCL;
(j) "Clubs" means all cricket organizations duly registered, and whose teams are playing under the bylaws of the Calgary & District Cricket League, and who are governed by the Alberta Societies Act;
(k) “Committee” means a group of individuals appointed for a specific function;
(l) “Conflict of Interest" means a situation in which an individual is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity;
(m) "Days" means days inclusive of weekends and holidays;
(n) “Delegate” means official representative of a Club at league meetings;
(o) "Disciplinary Committee" means a group of individuals appointed by the league to hear and determine matters related to misconduct and discipline;
(p) "Dissolution" means the wrapping up of affairs of the League under Alberta's Societies Act;
(q) "Executive" means those persons elected by the League for a limited term to perform the administrative duties of the league, including a President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Registrar;
(r) "Financial Statement" means the formal records of financial activities of C&DCL;
(s) "Fiscal Year" means a period reckoned for accounting purposes;
(t) “Good Standing” means a club and/or club member who is not found in violation of operating and playing rules, bylaws, any financial terms and any other regulations approved by the Board of Directors and as per further described in Article 14;
(u) "Hearing" means an opportunity to state one’s case;
(v) “Laws of the Game” means the rules that govern the game of Cricket;
(w) "League" means the Calgary & District Cricket League, including its members, member clubs, and Executives;
(x) "Meeting" means a session attended by the Executives and/or Delegates of Member Clubs of the League, including the Annual General Meeting (AGM), Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM), and Special General Meeting (SGM);
(y) "Member" means an individual or Club that has joined the League as described in Article 5;
(z) "Operating and Playing Rules" means those rules adopted by the League as the enforcement tool of the C&DCL Bylaws which may be amended from time to time;
(aa) "Quorum" means the minimum number of Delegates and members of the League that must be present at any of its meetings to make the proceeding of that meeting valid;
(bb) "Registered Office" means the office which maintains adequate records of the League, and which is located in the City of Calgary;
(cc) "Scrutineer" means an individual who is the official examiner for the count of votes;
(dd) "Semi Annual General Meeting" means a meeting of the Board of Directors, which is called by Executive Members prior to the start of a season primarily for the planning and budgeting purposes;
(ee) "Skills" means the ability to do something well;
(ff) "Special General Meeting" means a meeting of the Board of Directors, which is called by Executive Members when deemed necessary as further described in Article 6 (g);
(gg) "Special Resolution" means a resolution of the C&DCL which requires at least 75% of the votes cast to pass by Accredited Delegates attending a meeting of the league. To propose a special resolution, a minimum of 21 days notice must be given to all members prior to the date of the meeting;
(hh) "Team(s)" means any group of club members representing member club under the bylaws of the Calgary & District Cricket League, and who are governed by the Alberta Societies Act;
(ii) "Voting" means the right to vote at any Meeting of C&DCL;

The name of the Society shall be “Calgary & District Cricket League” (herein referred to as “the League”). It can also be referred to as "C&DCL".

(a) The League Bylaws shall be listed and maintained on the C&DCL website;
(b) The League Bylaws represent the rules of enforcement to organize, discipline, and foster the game of cricket in the City of Calgary;
(c) The League will operate as a Society, with the characteristics of a non-profit organization under the laws of Alberta - Societies Act, R.S.A 2000.

The League shall be registered as a Society under Alberta's Societies Act, R.S.A. 2000 (herein referred to as "Societies Act", with its registered office located at:
800 12th ST NW

And with a mailing address of:

(a) if the registered office changes for any reason, the Executive Members shall designate and maintain a new registered office at a specified location in the City of Calgary;
(b) as a Society, the League shall register itself as a corporation under the laws of Alberta, and without a view to profit, but rather to promote amateur cricket.

Membership shall be open to all paid members and clubs that want to play amateur cricket in the City of Calgary.
(a) A copy of these Bylaws shall be made available to the management of each new member club and existing member club, and each member club shall be deemed to have received notice of the Bylaws; club management is further encouraged to share these bylaws with their individual members.
(b) If a new club or any other club wants to join the League, such club shall file a written application. The written application shall include submitting a completed New Club Registration form and by paying a $500 registration fee deposit to be credited towards the seasonal dues once accepted. The new Club Registration form shall be provided to the applicant by the league’s Secretary at the request of the applicant.
(c) In case the League cannot accept the application, the deposit will be refunded.
(d) In case the club wants to withdraw an application, they can do so via a written confirmation no later than 7 days prior to SAGM for a full deposit refund, after which the deposit will be non-refundable, except in circumstances mentioned in Article 5 (c) above.
(e) All new membership applications shall be reviewed by the Executive Members and presented and passed onto the Board of Directors to determine the eligibility of the applicant. The Board of Directors via a majority vote shall determine whether or not a new applicant should be accepted into the League as a member at the Semi-Annual General Meeting of the League prior to the start of a new season;
(f) C&DCL Registration form for existing clubs and application for new clubs or teams must be submitted to the League Secretary by February 15th of each year:
i) Initial deposit of $500 per team in the 35/50 over format, T20 format and the weekday league format in form of an electronic bank transfer (e-transfer), bank draft or money order payable to Calgary & District Cricket League shall be submitted along with the registration form;
ii) If a new team or club is not accepted into C&DCL by the Board of Directors, monies collected from them will be returned within 15 days of the Semi Annual General Meeting;
iii) If the initial dues are not received by the C&DCL by the due date of February 15th, the membership of such an existing Club shall be automatically terminated;
(g) Any club or player playing in C&DCL cannot be affiliated with any other hard ball cricket league in the City of Calgary; players found to be in violation of this rule shall be banned from participating in the League for that specific season. Any games played by such a player shall be considered forfeited up to a maximum of 3 games.
(h) A player who is register/playing with a competing league is only allowed to register with C&DCL prior to July 15th of that year provided a proper release is submitted to the registrar;
(i) Memberships shall consist of two (4) classes:
i) Full Member - consists of clubs which are actively engaged in playing 35 or 50 over format cricket sanctioned by the League and shall have voting rights;
ii) Associate Member - consists of clubs which are actively engaged in playing any T20 format cricket sanctioned by the League. An associate member shall have a voice in League meetings but shall have NO voting rights;
iii) Honorary Member - consists of persons elected to membership by the Executive Members in recognition of past services to the League. An honorary member shall have a voice in League meetings but shall have NO voting rights;
iv) Individual Member - consists of persons who are members of Full or Associate member clubs. An individual member may attend league meetings and shall have a voice in the meetings but shall have NO voting rights. Voting rights remain with Accredited Voting Delegates of Full Member Clubs.
(j) Termination/Expulsion or Suspension of a member shall occur if a Club/Individual person:
i) terminates its own membership in writing to the League;
ii) is expelled by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Members and Board of Directors at either an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting;
iii) fails to fulfill its financial obligations towards C&DCL;
iv) seriously or repeatedly violates the bylaws and operating rules or directives of the Board of Directors of C&DCL.
(k) Loss of Membership due to expulsion does not relieve the Member from its financial obligations toward the C&DCL but shall lead to cancellation of all rights in relation to the C&DCL.
(l) A suspended Member shall have the right to appeal a suspension at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting whose Accredited Voting Delegates shall determine the issue by a two thirds (2/3) vote. In case where the suspension is upheld by the board at these meetings; the suspended member will not be allowed to file another appeal for a period of the length of the suspension.
(m) In case the suspension is based on the bylaws (i.e. non-payment etc), there cannot be a vote on this matter.
(n) Membership fees for full and associate member shall be established by majority of delegates present and entitled to vote at the semi-annual general meeting or a special general meeting of C&DCL; the Executives would file the motion to present the fee amount as per the proposed budget for the fiscal year for approval of the board.
(o) All membership fee shall be due by May 1st of each year. There shall be a 5% per month levy on balances of all outstanding membership fees after May 1st, compounded monthly. Falling to clear all outstanding dues by October 1st would result in automatic termination of membership, provided that a minimum of three notices were communicated to the Club by the Executives.
(p) An updated list of executives of member Clubs shall be forwarded to C&DCL secretary by February 15th of each year. For all C&DCL official matters, the league shall communicate with executives of member clubs via an email address with a domain issued by the league upon successful registration of a member club.
(q) All members must uphold these bylaws and protect the interests of C&DCL at all times.
(r) An individual member cannot be associated with two or more clubs at any capacity including but not limited to being a director, officer, owner, etc.
(s) All newly accepted full and associate member clubs must pay their full membership fees within 15 days after the Semi Annual General Meeting. Failure to clear full dues would result in the newly accepted team being dropped from the schedule.

(a) Executive Meetings
i) The Executive Members shall meet at least monthly during the regular season and as required to conduct/manage the affairs of the League. Notice of meetings shall be sent out at least three (3) days in prior to the meeting via email. The notice should show the date, time and venue of the meeting;
ii) At least two-thirds (2/3) Executive Members present shall constitute a quorum for Executive Meeting;
(b) League Meetings
i) The board shall meet at least twice a year. The League meeting will consist of the Executive Members and one accredited voting delegate from each Club (as the Board of Directors);
ii) Minutes – all relevant contents of the minutes of the Executive Members Meetings shall be transmitted to the members at the regular meetings. The minutes of the League’s Meetings shall be distributed to all the member clubs within 14 days after the league meetings;
(c) Delegates
i) Each full member Club shall email the league’s Secretary the name of a Delegate(s) who shall represent the Club at League meetings by February 15th of each year. In case the delegate is unavailable to attend the meeting, the Delegate shall notify of his replacement to the league 24 hours prior to any Meeting of the League. Delegates must be eighteen (18) years of age and older and a member in Good Standing. The delegates would be the only individuals allowed to vote on behalf of their respective Clubs.
(d) Voting at Meetings
i) Each full member Club shall have 1 vote. This voting structure shall only be applicable for C&DCL related matters.
ii) For all higher governing body issues relating to Provincial or National Cricket Organizations, each full member Club shall be entitled to one vote per registered team.
iii) There shall be no voting by proxy at any Meetings of the League.
iv) Votes will be determined by a show of hands, in writing, or orally unless a secret or recorded ballot is requested by the ten percent (10%) of delegates of Full Member Clubs voting at any Meeting of the League.
v) At the beginning of each Meeting of the League, the Board of Directors may appoint one or more scrutineers who will be responsible for ensuring that votes are properly cast and counted.
vi) The following business shall be determined by a simple majority of the votes casted by Delegates of Full Member Clubs: appointment of scrutineers, approval of the agenda, adoption of minutes of any Meetings of the league, consideration of the financial statements and auditor’s report, appointment of the auditor and the election of Executive Members.
vii) The President shall waive his right to vote, but shall exercise this right only in the event of a tie;
viii) All Executive Members shall have the right to vote only at the Executive meetings. In absence of an Accredited Delegate representative from their club, Executive Members will not be allowed to represent their respective full member clubs or vote on their behalf;
ix) Semi Annual General Meeting, Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting is open to all members, however, voting is limited to Delegates of Full Member Clubs only;
x) Newly accepted full member Clubs must maintain their status of good financial standing for one full season prior to obtaining voting rights.
(e) The Semi - Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held in March of each year.
(f) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in October of each year.
(g) Special General Meetings
i) may be called at the request of half (1/2) of the members’ clubs and/or by the Executive of the League;
ii) may be called by the Executive Members to address matters related to the league;
iii) Notification of the Special General Meeting in writing shall be given at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting;
(h) Quorum for League Meetings
i) At any meeting of the League (special or otherwise), 50% of the Accredited Voting Delegate of Full Member Clubs and a minimum of 4 Executive Members shall form a quorum. In the event that 50% of the Delegates of the Full Member Clubs are not in attendance then four (4) executives and Delegates from minimum of six (6) different clubs shall constitute a quorum;
(i) Power to call League Meetings
i) In the following order, the Executive Members may call a league meeting – President, Secretary, 1st Vice President, Treasurer;
ii) The President may direct the Secretary to sent out all notice of meetings;
iii) A majority of Delegates of full member Clubs, who have signed a demand for a meeting
(j) Notice of League Meetings
i) Notice of league meetings shall be communicated to all full, associate and honorary members of the league by the Executive Members via e-mail;
ii) Notification of Semi-Annual General Meeting, Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall be communicated via email at least (14 days) prior to the meeting;
(k) If after half an hour of the appointed time for a meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned and rescheduled;

The Executive Members shall consist of the following officers:
1. President
2. 1st Vice-President
3. 2nd Vice-President
4. 3rd Vice President
5. Treasurer
6. Secretary
7. Registrar
(a) The first bracket (President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and Registrar) is to be elected in AGM held in every even year and the second bracket (3rd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) to be elected in AGM held in every odd year for a two-year tenure;
(b) A position of an Executive Member can be added or deleted by a majority vote of the Delegates of Full Member Clubs at an Annual General Meeting or a 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Members and Delegates of Full Member Clubs at a Special General Meeting;
(c) The Executive Members shall have the full power of managing and administering the affairs of the League with the approval of the Board of Directors;
(d) The Executive Members shall have the power to apply sanctions against any member club, or any team, or any individual member for violation of any provision of these Bylaws. The Executive Members shall also have the power to apply sanctions against any club or team according to the provisions of the League’s Operating and Playing Rules;
(e) Elections of Executive Members shall be held at the Annual General Meeting, or, if necessary, at the Special General Meeting, by a majority of votes of the Delegates of Full Member Clubs;
(f) If any of these executive member positions are not fulfilled in the opinion of the Executive Members, the Executive Members can call a Special General Meeting and allow the Board of Directors to determine whether the Executive Member should be removed immediately, and replaced immediately by another member;
(g) No member Club is allowed more than two (2) representative to serve on the Executive Members Team;
(h) A member not in good standing cannot be appointed, nominated or elected for any Executive position;
(i) The President in consultation with the Executives may strike committees or sub committees at any point for execution of league mandate. Such committees shall be chaired by the President or an Executive Member appointed by the President or by the board of directors, with the exception of the disciplinary committee. The chair of which will be nominated by the Delegates of Member Clubs at Semi Annual General Meeting;
(j) Executive Members shall have the power to dissolve committees or subcommittees as needed;
(k) No person shall serve the office of Presidency for more than five (5) consecutive terms.

1. The President shall perform the following duties:
(a) preside at all League meetings;
(b) represent the League at all public functions;
(c) serve as the chief executive officer of the League, and shall supervise and advise the Executive Members and Board of Directors;
(d) shall have the signing authority to all disbursements related to the league
2. The 1st Vice President shall perform the following duties:
(a) booking of grounds for the current season;
(b) scheduling of the games;
(c) scheduling of umpires and coordination of umpiring of the games;
(d) input in to budgeting process;
(e) coordination and management of events hosted by the League;
(f) any other activity required to ensure the season, and other business assigned by the president;
(g) shall preside all meetings in absence of the League President;
(h) shall have the signing authority to all disbursements related to the league;
(i) compile and maintain all statistics of all member clubs by way of:
i) written record;
ii) listing statistics on the C&DCL website;
3. The 2nd Vice President shall perform the following duties:
(a) maintenance and upkeep of existing cricket facilities at the disposal of the League;
(b) ordering any equipment and handling delivery of such equipment;
(c) future cricket facility development;
(d) any related business pertinent to development or maintenance of existing or future cricket infrastructure and facilities at the disposal of the League;
(e) any related business pertinent to Long Term growth of the Cricket including women and junior programs;
(f) input and help in the season budget and financial planning;
(g) any other business assigned by the president;
4. The 3rd Vice President shall perform the following duties:
(a) maintains and coordinate the Junior and Women Program of the league;
(b) input and help in the season budget and financial planning;
(c) any other business assigned by the president;
5. The Treasurer shall perform the following duties:
(a) keep accurate and detail records of all finances received and disbursed by the League along with audit backup;
(b) present a reviewed and updated financial statement(s) and audit backup when called upon to do so by the Executive Members, as well as a year-to-date financial report for the Annual General Meeting;
(c) perform such other pertinent duties as the President or Executive Committee may determine from time to time;
(d) be responsible for collecting all outstanding dues;
(e) Be responsible for completing and filing all financial and regulatory compliance reports as required by provincial and federal regulations.
(f) holds the signing authority on disbursements related to the league;
6. The Secretary shall perform the following duties:
(a) keep adequate records of the minutes of all the meetings in a proper file to be stored at the registered office;
(b) write correspondence on behalf of the League;
(c) Input and help in the season budget and financial planning;
(d) arrange proper venue(s) for all league meetings and inform the appropriate attendees;
(e) perform such other pertinent duties as the President or Executive Committee may determine from time to time;
(f) Be responsible for filing and updating all records with the leagues financial institution and Alberta registry;
(g) have the power to perform all the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer, except having any signing authority for cheques;
7. The Registrar shall perform the following duties:
(a) be responsible for the compilation of all:
i) Clubs registration forms;
ii) Maintains club rosters
(c) have the power to perform all the duties of the Secretary;
(d) perform such other pertinent duties as the President or Executive Committee may determine from time to time;
(a) Eligibility - Any individual who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, who meets the one or more of the skills and attributes defined in Article 9 section (d) of the Bylaws, is a member of the league in Good Standing may be nominated for election as an Executive Member.
(b) Nominations for Executive Member Positions will be submitted to the league via email by full or associate member Clubs a minimum of 7 days prior to the meeting of the league where elections shall be held.
(c) If no nominations are received for a particular Executive position via email within the allocated timeline, nominations from the floor shall be accepted.
(d) Skills and Characteristics – Potential Nominees for Executive Positions shall have one or more of the following skills and/or attributes:
i) Attributes - commitment and capacity (time, energy, expertise) to fulfill the commitment as a Executive; knowledge about roles and responsibilities of an Executive and Board of Directors; experience in formulating policy; experience in thinking strategically; knowledge about the sport of cricket; ability to identify principal business risks and ensure implementation of appropriate systems to manage those risks; knowledge of organizational performance mechanisms and ability to monitor, evaluate and report; strategic connectivity to key clients; ethical and values based behavior; representative of client population (athlete or coach); or other attributes valued by the Board of Directors
ii) Skills - accounting designation (CA, CMA, CGA); legal designation (LL.B); professional qualifications (MD, PhD, MBA, Sport Science); personnel management (Human Resource Professional designation); media/marketing/public relations contacts/experience; fundraising and funding source contacts; administrative/management experience; government relations/contacts; organizational development/strategic planning experience; or any other skills, as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.

(a) Executive Member vacancy shall occur if an Executive:
i) Dies
ii) Resigns
iii) Is removed
(b) An Executive may be suspended or removed if they:
i) Seriously or repeatedly violates the Bylaws or directives of the Board of Directors;
ii) By personal or business conduct violates any part of C&DCL Operating Rules;
iii) Are incapable of carrying out their duties;
(c) The process for suspension or removal of an Executive shall be:
i) An issue should be brought forward to the disciplinary committee via a written email from a member or Executive;
ii) The Disciplinary Committee of the League shall complete an investigation;
iii) Should the investigation result in further action the Disciplinary Committee shall conduct a proper hearing;
iv) When such a hearing is being initiated, notice of such hearing shall be given to all concerned, in writing, not less than seven (7) days before such hearing;
v) The Executive concerned will be given an opportunity to explain their actions;
vi) The Disciplinary Committee, by a two-third (2/3) vote, may suspend or recommend removal of an Executive;
vii) Written notice of a suspension or recommendation for removal shall be provided to the affected Executive within 7 days of the hearing via written email;
viii) The Executive may appeal the suspension or recommendation for removal by providing written notice to the Board of Directors within 7 days of receipt of the notice of suspension or recommendation for removal;
ix) If the Executive does not appeal “recommendation for removal” they shall be deemed to have resigned and the Board of Directors shall be notified of this change;
x) The Board of Directors shall have an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the membership within 60 days of the receipt of the appeal;
xi) During the appeal process, the executive shall be considered under suspension;
xii) The membership shall determine the issue by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.

(a) On election to the position of an Executive of the League, the newly elected Executive shall immediately disclose, in writing, any personal, professional or business activity that may be construed as a potential conflict of interest and periodically thereafter update such disclosure;
(b) An Executive of the League shall not permit his/her own interest to conflict in any way with her/her fiduciary responsibilities to the C&DCL;
(c) An Executive of the League shall not benefit directly or indirectly from any transaction with the League, unless it is to the clear advantage of the League as determined by the Board of Directors;
(d) An Executive of the League shall declare a conflict of interest and abstain from voting on any discussion matter relating specifically to his/her involvement with another cricket organization, private business interest or outside not-for-profit or charitable organization;
(e) A volunteer Executive of the League shall not receive compensation for his/her services on behalf of the Board, except for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of his/her duties on behalf of the League;
(f) Any deviation or perceived deviation from these Conflict of Interest Rules shall be acted on only if reported, in writing, by the complainant to the Board at Directors of the League;
(g) Any Executive who, by personal or business conduct violates any part of Article 11 may be suspended as per Article 10 (c).
(h) Any elected executives cannot vote on behalf of their Club at league meetings.

(a) The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of seven (7) members:
i) The 7 members of disciplinary committee shall be elected in Semi Annual General Meeting by the Board of Directors;
ii) The chair of the disciplinary committee shall be nominated by the Executive Members;
iii) The term of the committee shall be one (1) year.
(b) The quorum for the meeting is to have minimum three committee members present at any disciplinary related meeting;
(c) Eligibility - Any individual who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, who meets the one or more of the skills and attributes defined in Article 9 section (d) of the Bylaws, is a member of the league in Good Standing may be nominated for election as a Disciplinary Committee Member;
(d) The committee shall be responsible for the adjudication of disciplinary action or charges brought against any club, executive member or any individual member registered in the League in accordance with the C&DCL’s operating rule and code of conduct;
(e) Such action or charges shall be presented to the Committee in writing via email, with the necessary evidence;
(f) In the event that adjudication is warranted, the Committee shall summon a formal meeting of its members and invite the parties to the dispute for a formal hearing;
(g) The decision of the Committee shall be binding on all parties;
(h) All disciplinary committee matters must be resolved within 45 days from the date of the original complaint.

(a) An article of By-laws may be altered, amended or suspended by the consent of 75% vote of the members in good standing present at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for that purpose;
(b) Any amendment made to the bylaws shall be applicable for the upcoming season;
(c) Such amendments must be proposed by a member in “good standing” or by the Executive Members as a whole. Copies must be sent or emailed to either the President or Secretary of the League no later than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose;
(d) Notification of all proposed amendments to the By-laws shall be sent to all full and associate member clubs by the President or the Secretary of the League at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the meeting;

(a) All full and associate member Clubs who have paid their membership dues and penalties within the timelines established in the bylaws and/or the operating rules shall be deemed to be in good financial standing;
(b) Only Accredited Delegates of full member Clubs in good financial standing shall be eligible to vote in all League meetings;
(c) Name of players and individual members who are not in good financial standing within their Club shall be sent to the League’s registrar by December 31st of each year;

(a) The fiscal year of the League shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year;
(b) The books, accounts and records of the Treasurer shall be audited as soon as may be practicable after the close of each fiscal year by the auditor(s) appointed by the Board of Directors at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. The audited statement shall be presented by the Treasurer at the Semi-Annual General Meeting of the League;
(c) All audit related documents must be provided to the auditors by the executives no later than January 31st of each year;
(d) There shall be two signatories on behalf of C&DCL and the treasurer must be one of the signatory on all disbursements;
(e) In the absence of the President, the 1st Vice-President shall be the second signatory on disbursements;
(f) Any payment relating to an item outside of the approved budget by the Board of Directors, on behalf of the League, in excess of the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) must receive prior authorization by the Board of Directors;
(g) Variance of over 15% between actual and budgeted cost must get approval of Board of Directors;
(h) Purchase of all goods and services over $5,000 threshold require 3 quotes from different supplier;
(i) Records of the quotations must be retained by the Treasurer;
(j) For purchases where only one Supplier is able to meet the requirements of the purchase, the Treasurer is required to retain a sole source justification document with a rationale described and signed by a minimum of 4 executives;
(k) All monies owing to the League by the Members shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of invoicing unless otherwise stipulated;
(l) All monies owed to the Suppliers and other members by the League shall be paid within thirty (30) days of invoicing unless otherwise stipulated.
(m) The books and records of the league may be inspected by any member of the league at the annual general meeting or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the executive or executives having charge of the same. Each member of the league shall at all times have access to such books and records.

(a) Any dispute or difference between;
i) The League and a Member;
ii) Members of the Board of Directors;
iii) The League and a Player(s), Team Official(s), Umpires(s) and/or C&DCL Volunteers.
(b) Relating to or arising out of the Bylaws and Operating Rules of C&DCL shall be referred
to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Rules set out in Appendix A and shall
not be referred to a court of law, except to the extent the law of Alberta requires that there be access to the Courts;
(c) Article 16 shall not operate to provide an appeal against a decision of a discipline committee with respect to discipline proceedings relating to conduct during a game or competition under the Laws of the Game. Such appeals shall be resolved through the C&DCL Code of Conduct appeals process.

(a) In the event the C&DCL undergoes dissolution, the dissolution process shall comply with the Societies Act, R.S.A. 2000;
(b) If upon the winding or dissolution of the league there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, and property whatsoever, the same shall be not paid or distributed among the members Clubs of the League, but shall be given or applied for approved sporting or charitable purposes;
(c) The term “sporting charitable purposes” shall mean any of the following as may be approved by the Delegates of full members Clubs of the League in a general meeting by majority of Board of Directors:
i) The purpose of the sport’s governing body for use in related community sport;
ii) The purposes of another registered community amateur sports club;
iii) The purpose of a registered charity

For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the League may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit and in particular by debentures that can only be issued by a special resolution duly passed at a General or Special meeting of Delegates of Full member clubs of the League, the notice convening such meeting specifying the intention to propose such a resolution. The special resolution must be passed by a three fourths (3/4) majority of those Delegates of full member Clubs present and voting. All investments of C&DCL shall be invested in guaranteed principle investments.


(a) In these rules, “Tribunal” mean the arbitrators appointed under these rules.
(b) In order to commence an arbitration under these rules, the claimant (the “Claimant”) must serve on the other party (the “Respondent”) a written notice of arbitration (the “Notice of Arbitration”) which must set out:
i) The names and addresses of the parties to the arbitration;
ii) A brief statement describing the nature and circumstances of the dispute and setting out the relief claimed;
iii) The name and address of the Claimant’s appointed arbitrator, who must
1. be a member of the Law Society of Alberta or a Chartered Arbitrator under the ADR Institute of Canada; and
2. have confirmed in writing to the Claimant his or her willingness and availability to accept the appointment.
(c) Within 14 days of service of the Notice or Arbitration, the Respondent must serve on the Claimant a response to the Notice of Arbitration (the “Response”) which must set out:
i) an admission or denial of all or part of the claims set out in the Notice of Arbitration;
ii) a brief statement of the nature and circumstances of the Respondent’s denial, if any;
iii) the name and address of the Respondent’s appointment to act as an arbitrator who must
1. be a member of the Law Society of Alberta or a Chartered Arbitrator under the ADR Institute of Canada, and
2. have confirmed to the Respondent in writing his or her willingness and availability to accept the appointment.
(d) If a Respondent fails to appoint an arbitrator within 14 days of the Response,
i) the President or the Secretary of the League shall name the party’s arbitrator, unless the League is a party to the Arbitration;
ii) if the League is a party to the arbitration, the General Secretary of the Provincial Cricket Organization shall name the party’s arbitrator.
(e) The appointment under article (d) shall be made within 21 days of the service of the notice of the service of the Notice of the Claim.
(f) The Respondent has no right to oppose the appointment of such arbitrator.
(g) Within 14 days of the service of the Response the two arbitrators must appoint a third arbitrator to chair the panel of arbitrators, who must be
i) A member of the Law Society of Alberta;
ii) A judge or retired judge; or
iii) A Chartered Arbitrator under the ADR Institute of Canada.
(h) If the arbitrators appointed by the parties (or under article d) cannot select an arbitrator to chair the Tribunal
i) the President and in his absence of conflict of interest, the Secretary of the league shall appoint the third arbitrator, unless the League is a party to the Arbitration;
ii) if the C&DCL is a party to the arbitration, the General Secretary of the Provincial Cricket Organization shall appoint the third arbitrator
(i) The appointment under article 8 shall be made within 21 days of the service of the service of the Response.
(j) Despite anything in these Rules, the Claimant and the Respondent may agree to the appointment of a single arbitrator, in which case that arbitrator constitutes the Chair and the Tribunal.
(k) Each arbitrator must
i) at the time of appointment be independent of the parties, and
ii) at all times during the arbitration must remain and be independent of the parties and be impartial.
(l) If for any reason, including a successful challenge to an arbitrator’ appointment or continued participation under article (k), an arbitrator becomes unable to act or refuses to act, a replacement shall be appointed in the same manner as the original appointment.
(m) The Tribunal shall meet within 14 days of the appointment of the Chair and establish the procedures for the arbitration including dates for the arbitration. The procedures must provide each party with a fair and reasonable opportunity to present evidence and argument to the Tribunal.
(n) The arbitration must begin no later than 60 days after the service of the Notice of Claim, unless the parties agree otherwise in writing.
(o) The Tribunal may adjourn the arbitration if the duty of fairness to a party or an exceptional circumstance would require that an adjournment be granted.
(p) A party at an arbitration may be represented by a member of the law society or another individual of their choice.
(q) The Tribunal has the power:
i) establish procedures for the hearing;
ii) to make interim directions, including issuing interim orders that direct that an action not be taken or that an action be taken pending the final decision in the arbitration;
iii) determine any questions as to its own jurisdiction, subject to the superintending power of the Court under the Arbitration Act of Alberta;
iv) summarily determine the claim;
v) appoint an expert to report to it on a matter;
vi) require the parties to attend preliminary or procedural meetings;
vii) give any lawful directions it considers necessary to ensure the expeditious, economical, just and final determination of the dispute.
(r) The parties must do all things necessary for the proper and expeditious conduct of the arbitration and must comply without delay with any directions of the Tribunal.
(s) At the conclusion of the arbitration, the Tribunal has the power to:
i) dismiss the complaint or determine that the complaint is well founded in whole or in part;
ii) provide a binding direction to any party to the arbitration;
iii) order the setting aside of any direction or action by a party to the arbitration; and
iv) if the Tribunal determines that a party has
1. Acted in a high handed or abusive manner or acted in bad faith in making a decision or determination that was the subject of the arbitration;
2. Made a claim that the Tribunal determines to be frivolous and vexatious; or
3. Acted itself during the arbitration in a manner that deserves sanction, including disregarding a direction of the tribunal or unnecessarily prolonging the proceedings
v) the Tribunal may award casts against that party on an indemnity basis.
(t) The decision of the Tribunal must be in writing (unless the parties agree otherwise) and must set out the reasons for the decision and any order made by the Tribunal.
(u) If the Tribunal cannot decide an issue by consensus, it shall be decided by a majority of the members of the Tribunal.
(v) A party may appeal a decision of the Tribunal to the Appeal Committee of the Provincial or National Cricket Organization.
(w) Section 44(1) of the Arbitration Act does not apply to an arbitration conducted under these rules.