  • 2024 Premier A
  • 2024 Premier B
  • 2024 Premier C
  • 2024 Premier D
  • 2024 Summer T20 D1
  • 2024 Summer T20 D2
  • 2024 Summer T30 D1
  • 2024 Summer T30 D2
Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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Leagues Summary
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FAQ: How to report an issue to NCCA Website admins?
  • Anuj Patel
  • 05/23/2018
  • Comments

You can report issues by clicking on the "League" menu on top red bar on our site and click on “Contact” sub-menu to visit the page where you can fill in details and click submit Once submitted, one of NCCA admins will review the message and follow up on it.

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FAQ: How to log-in and use NCCA website?
  • Anuj Patel
  • 05/23/2018
  • Comments

When you visit www.nccacricket.org , you will have an option to login (by clicking "Login" menu in red bar at top) to see player information, team information and league information. Use various Menu options to browse specific information  Home Menu: Homepage shows various details like Points Table, Quick Stats, Site News, NCCA Facebook page feed, Gallery, Live matches links, results and schedule tab etc.Statistics: You can see various statistics by series, division, teams. [...]

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FAQ: How to register and claim your Player Profile if already exists?
  • Anuj Patel
  • 05/23/2018
  • Comments

Please DO NOT register as a new player if you have played in NCCA at any time in last 2 years.Step 1: Visit our website www.nccacricket.orgStep 2: On Red bar at top, click on “Players” menu and click "Player Search" submenu option Step 3: Search for your first name, last name and team name, if no results please search just your first name, there could be typo of your name and it may not show you’re the  results. Once you find your name click on your name it[...]

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