Article - Team Management - Update team, Add Player and Manage
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Team Management - Update team, Add Player and Manage

Lccl Admin (lccladmin)

For 􀀃Captains/Vice-Captains

Captains/Vice-Captains will have extra privilege pertaining to their teams than just a player.
Captains/Vice-Captains can navigate from top menu's to their team using Teams -> View teams -> Click on your team name. You can take certain actions
  • Add new players
  • Manage your team players, captains & VC's and team description 
  • Upload team logo

Update Team


Using this option Captains/VCs can update their team details like – Team name, players selected in roster for current series and Captain/VC. Take some time to update team description for others to read.

Upload􀀃 Team 􀀃Logo􀀃

Captain/VC can upload Team Logo using this option, please limit the size of your logo to 200*200 pixels or in those dimensions

Add Players

This button lets you to add new players to your team once you add new players it will validate and check for duplicates. Once you add players then go to Update team so you can select the new player from Available list to Selected list. Max of 25 players is allowed per season per team.

Add Players, Select Players


Match 􀀃Summary􀀃(Admin 􀀃Actions)􀀃

Captain/VC can update Match Summary and Full Scorecard using this option. This option is
enabled only for Captain/VC and only for those games where one of the playing team belongs to Captain/VC.


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