Article - Heartland Cricket League Constitution
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Heartland Cricket League Constitution

Heartland Cricket League (hclwebadmin)

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and to carry on the playing and the traditions of the game of cricket. 

Article 1 Name, Colors 
This organization shall be known as the heartland cricket league. The League’s colors shall be red and yellow.

Article 2 Membership
2.1 Full membership 
Full League Membership is open to clubs who are approved in accordance with the Bye-laws Section 1 and who pay dues in accordance with the Bye-laws Section 2. Member clubs shall be eligible to enter team(s) in all league competitions subject to Bye-laws Section 2, and shall have the privilege of having their nominated representatives attend League meetings to participate in discussion and vote in relevant matters. 

2.2 Associate membership 
Associate Membership of the Club is open to clubs and individuals who are approved in accordance with the Bye-laws Section 1 and who pay dues in accordance with the Bye-laws Section 2. They shall have the same privileges as Full Members, but shall be ineligible for inclusion in league competition, but may be invited to play in one-off tournaments. Associate Members shall not have the right to vote or hold League office.

2.3 Junior membership 
Junior Membership is open to teams whose 75% of members (at least 7 of
the playing 11 on game day) are under 18 years of age who are approved
in accordance with the Bye-laws Section 1 and who pay dues in
accordance with the Bye-laws Section 2(b). They shall have the same
privileges as Associate Members. 

2.4 Individual membership 
All individual members of Full Member Clubs in good standing, shall be considered individual members of the heartland cricket league. Each Club is required to submit a roster of its members to the League Secretary by April 30th each year. The roster should identify names, addresses, phone numbers and type of membership (playing, social, etc.). Any changes and/or additions to the roster must be passed to the League Secretary within two weeks of occurring, or before the member plays in a League competition, whichever is the sooner. In the event that a Club has more than one team, the roster must identify which team the individuals will play for (see also under Section 2.2). 

2.5 Club transfer privileges 
Members may not represent more than one club in any given season without the written consent of the League Management Committee. Any member wishing to transfer between clubs, must make a written application to the League secretary at least two weeks before wishing to play for the new team. The application must detail the reasons for the change and be accompanied by the signatures of the two club Presidents involved. The League Management Committee will then review and approve or not within one week of receipt. Valid reasons would involve moving to a new location or job, never having played for the club (although on the roster) etc. 

2.6 Team transfer privileges 
Members may not represent more than one team of a given club in any given season without the written consent of the League Management Committee. Any member wishing to transfer between teams, must make a written application to the League secretary at least two weeks before wishing to play for the new team. The application must detail the reasons for the change and be accompanied by the signatures of the two captains, and the club President involved. The League Management Committee will then review and approve or not within one week of receipt. 

2.7 Membership suspension 
Any member may be suspended from the league until the next General Meeting of the League by vote of the League Officers. Expulsion from the League requires the approval of a General Meeting. 

Article 3 Officers 
Officers of the League shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. 

Article 4 Meetings 

4.1 Annual General Meeting 
The Annual General Meeting of the League shall be held between seasons, not later than November 30th. The Secretary shall circulate notification of a General Meeting and the agenda, together with minutes of the last meeting, shall be circulated to all members by the Secretary, at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Only named members of Full Member Clubs shall count towards the quorum and have a vote. These names shall be taken from the club rosters as submitted to the League Secretary. Additions to the roster may be made until one week before the Annual General Meeting.

Quorum Rule:
• at least 50% of clubs in the league are represented

4.2 Other General Meetings 
A General Meeting of the Club may be requested by one or more voting members by application in writing to the Secretary. The calling of a General Meeting in response to such a request is subject to the approval of the League Management Committee, except that the Management Committee must call a General Meeting if requested by five or more voting members. A General Meeting held at the request of members shall be held within six weeks of the receipt by the Secretary of such a request. Such General Meetings shall be called and held in accordance with the procedures of Section 4.1 above. 

4.3 League Management Meetings 
The Management Committee shall in principle meet during the four week period immediately prior to each League General Meeting and the first week of each month from April through October, if requested to do so by any member of this committee. Failing such request, the Secretary shall consult with the President to determine the need for a meeting. The Secretary is responsible for notifying the other members of the Committee if a meeting is to be held. A quorum shall be three. Meetings may be conducted by phone conference. A member holding dual membership of the Management Committee shall count two towards the quorum, but shall have only one vote. Written proxies received by the Secretary can nominate a Management Committee member attending the meeting to exercise an absent Committee member’s vote. 

Article 5 Amendments 

5.1 Constitutional change 
Any amendment to the Constitution or Bye-laws must be submitted to a General Meeting of the League. Members wishing to make a proposal must do so on the League form, which can be obtained from the Secretary on request. Proposals must be submitted to the League Secretary at least three weeks before the General Meeting at which they are to be discussed. The Secretary shall distribute the wording of any proposed change, in writing, to all members at least two weeks prior to the General Meeting at which it is to be discussed. At the General Meeting, the proposed amendment shall be read by the Secretary, and voting members present may propose amendments to the proposal at this time. Amendments appropriate minuted from prior General Meetings, but not having satis.ed the two week requirement, and approved by the required two-thirds of the voting members shall become part of this Constitution or Bye-laws, subject to the conditions above. The League Management Committee has the responsibility to verify that any changes in wording do not change the intent and spirit of the amendment. The proposal, with any amendments shall become part of the Constitution or Bye-laws, if approved by at least two-thirds of the voting members present and their proxies, at end of that meeting. Once voted in, the Secretary shall read the final version of the proposal, as it will appear in the Constitution or Bye-laws. For certain complex issues, it is sometimes not possible to understand the full implication of implementing it, until such issues are further investigated by a separate committee, and the consequences are completely understood. In such cases, the issues in question presented for voting at a General Meeting can be deferred to the League Management Committee for investigation and subsequent approval or rejection. The decision to defer the issue to the League Management Committee shall be decided by a vote at a General Meeting. 

5.2 Rule maintenance 
The Management Committee shall maintain League Rules, subordinate to the Constitution and Bye-laws, governing everyday League a.airs. Additions and changes to League Rules shall take e.ect two weeks after their circulation to all members following their approval by the Management Committee. 

Article 6 Dissolution 
In the event of dissolution of the League, any residual funds shall be donated to a charity selected by the Management Committee subject to approval by a General Meeting. 



A Revision history
1.0 created on Aug 6, 2003. 
1.1 Incorporated passed resolutions of AGM held in 2004.

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